Dec 31 2015.

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Noooooo! Not one of those again!!!!!!"
Admit it, you thought that. I could - quite literally - feel your disgust burn right through my soul. I'm sorry but I couldn't resist. But that just goes to prove a point I fully intend to make - that New Year resolutions are pointless. Nuff said.
To be honest, I always thought New Year Resolutions (hereby referred to as NYRs) were a waste of time. BUT. It seemed like every Tom, Dick and Harry made NYRs, and so, I must make em too, Duh! Call me gullible, but in my defence, I was "young and impressionable". My first ever NYR was that I was gonna allocate a dedicated study time for every day of the week. Seemed like a great idea at the time. I'd told my parents, friends and anyone who'd listen about it, and I was raring to go. That lasted 2 weeks. It was also the longest any of my NYRs lasted.
I like to think I'm not a quitter. So I gave NYRs a try a few more times. Among my very, uh, illustrious NYRs were: Learn to feed self in case of emergencies. Stop laughing at inappropriate moments. Gain weight. Lose weight. Become a vegetarian. (This lasted the shortest. 5 minutes, to be exact. I was passing by a McDonalds, and really, who was I to deny myself a greasy, unhealthy but extremely yummy double cheeseburger?) Eat healthy. Stop spending all my money on food. Exercise.
Each NYR lifespan got considerably shorter the older I got. Which is when I finally figured - NYRS weren't my thing. I'm  the epitome of spontaneity, and all this planning was making my head spin. So no more conforming to such ridiculousness. 
Nevertheless, bear with me while I “attempt” to present my case. Why wait till the first day of the year to make a change? Cue "New Year, New Me". Ditto only wanting to start new things on Mondays? It seems like our brains are fine tuned to make change on the first day of a week, a month or a year. As it happens, you miss the date. And have to wait an entire week, month or year before you can commence. (I used to be a "January 1st" kinda person. A 1st of the year-er. Like, if I missed going to the gym January 1st 2016, I'd have to wait an entire year before it was time to try again. You get the gist). 
Ergo, it's easy to conclude that all 1st of the week-ers, month-ers and year-ers are a lazy bunch finding excuses to put things off for later. Which, FYI, is code for never. Been there, done that. And if you were REALLY intent on making a change, you'd go for it immediately. Not slack around debating if it's worth a try. Or putting it off for the 1st. 
I rest my case. NYRs are nothing but a waste of time and an excuse to put things off. Some place plans go to die. Of course, there are exceptions to every rule. But since when did anyone care about rules?? ;) Exactly. 
Here's to an awesome 2016! Stay classy folks!
by Rihaab Mowlana 


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