Kids Aloud!

Aug 13 2014.

views 648

Kids Theatre Experiences with Floating Space Theatre Company and Trekurious

Whether your child is a seasoned actor, or lurking in the wings battling stage-fright, this holiday season you have the chance to help them learn the real joys of the theatre on a real stage!

Designed to keep your kids active, productive and immersed in what they love Kids Aloud! Immersive Theatre with Floating Space Theatre Company is an experiential learning programme for kids between the ages of 9-15. Your son or daughter will learn new ways to tell stories, use props, have fun with costumes, masks and make-up. They will learn how to  turn any stage into a great scene, all the while making new friends this August holiday.

From the theatre process to performance technique, the talented Ruhanie Perera, Jake Oorlof and Tracy Jayasinghe of Floating Space will work with the kids over five consecutive days in the Punchi Theatre, Borella, exploring the magic of drama, while acquiring performance technique and skill.

Initiated in 2007, Floating Space Theatre Company is committed to theatrical experimentation, and is inspired by the unconventional and shared experiences in performance. Its focus is to create and produce performance, with the objective of exploring the possibilities of theatre in terms of form, style, space, approach and purpose. Floating Space believes in creating contexts and options for creative arts learning experiences.

At the first session, ‘Starting Out’, the budding actors will explore and experience the interplay between imagination, body, voice, ensemble, ease, and focus. As the Floating Space team notes, “All an actor needs to tell a story is his body and voice, and an imagination that controls them”. On day two, ‘Wizard or Warthog’ young performers will experience the excitement of discovering a character. The focus will be on bringing a character to life through mannerisms, motives and appearance, and working with emotions. The third day’s session, “Masks and Mayhem”, creates the space for experimenting with costume and make-up. The kids will learn how newspapers, string, leftover bits of fabric, tape, bin bags and other everyday material can become a costume. The next session, ‘Third Bell”, will help kids uncover the secrets of stagecraft - how to imaginatively build a scene, design a set, make a lighting plan and shout out those signals all performances need before the third bell goes and the curtains open on the show! And in the final session, “Showtime!” gives the young performers the chance to really explore a stage and experience the magic of real performance, when it all comes together, leading up to the moment when you take a bow!

‘Kids Aloud!’ is part of a series of unique ‘Holiday Programme’ activities launched by Trekurious in July, which included a movie making experience.

Kids Aloud! will come to life from August 22 – 26, 2014 at the Punchi Theatre. To book a place, visit or E- mail [email protected] or call +94117788779.

Pictures courtesy Floating Space Theatre Company and are representative of previous productions with young performers.


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