’Grease Yaka’

Aug 01 2014.

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‘Grease Yaka’ is a devised play in Sinhala and English, directed by Ruwanthie de Chickera and presented by AnandaDrama in collaboration with Stages Theatre Group. 
When – 8th and 9th August
Where – Lionel Wendt
Time – 7.30pm
Tickets – Rs.500 (balcony) to Rs.1500 
The play was devised by the students and young alumni of Ananda College along with actors who were a part of a series of workshops held under the guidance of Ms. De Chickera and other artists from Stages Theatre Group. They discussed various issues, themes and stories, the play thus an amalgamation of what absorbed them the most, feeding on what they were most passionate about. ‘Grease Yaka’ employs the eponymous phenomenon as a tool and metaphor – providing insight into the fears of society: how they grow into widespread social phobias, how they affect society psychologically and their consequences. By exploring how opinions and fears are turned into stereotypes, stigmas and violence, the play will hold up a mirror to society and show us how things can be manipulated by those with vested interests who’d like such fears to exist for various reasons. 
Ananda Drama is the English theatre group of Ananda College, composed of present and past students with a view to uplifting the standard of English in the school through drama. Their original satirical play ‘Alles in Wonderland’, which won them Drama Comp in 2013, was staged for a public performance in the same year, their first public endeavour. It was followed by a performance of Stuart Paterson’s adaptation of Michael Morpugo’s ‘Kensuke’s Kingdom’ that received critical acclaim for lyricism and skilful acting.
Stages Theatre Group is committed to producing original Sri Lankan plays, and their past productions have proven them to be a group that creates socially conscious plays of high artistic value. Their first 8 years of existence saw them perform nine original plays and one translated one, travel to nine cities overseas, contribute to seven international theatre festivals and two international theatre collaboration. Then followed a quiet hiatus from which they emerged in 2012 and reinvented themselves along a few new lines and a few old ones. 
Ruwanthie de Chickera is a renowned Director and Script Writer in Sri Lanka, known for her simple but profound plays and experiments in language, form, character and subject matter. Each of her plays differ in tone and style, depending on what she wants each project to be. They tackle subjects such as psychology, individuals, and individuals in relation to society. Some of her most celebrated works are ‘Middle of Silence’, ‘The Blind Poet’, ‘Checkpoint’ and her script for the movie ‘Machang’. 
The play was quite brilliantly advertised at performances of one of Stage Theatre Group’s other plays held recently, with a blackened grease yaka glaring out at people from behind a glass door in the lobby of Lionel Wendt. The reactions to noticing him fuelled the publicity really, as people were scared of the threatening face that lurked in the shadows. We can expect the actual play to be as ingenious and interesting! 
By Marissa van Eyck


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