Day 1 Of Words On The Mount

Jul 12 2016.

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Words on the Mount : A Literary Celebration (Day One)

Mount Lavinia Hotel, one of Sri Lanka’s elegantly portrayed hotels celebrates its 210th anniversary this year. ‘Words on the Mount’ was an event based on their literary heritage over the decades exploring its history and connection to great figures in the world of literature who once resided there. Day 2 came alive with four individual and distinct Literary Stage Performances by visiting British authors namely Louis de Bernieres, Peter Grimsdale, Stephanie Calman and Rohan Candappa. 

Louis de Bernieres spoke about his new book, ‘The Dust that falls from the Dreams’ which was published in July 2015. The book talks about his girlfriend and their family’s connection to Ceylon which talks about his grandfather coming down to Sri Lanka to plant tea in Nuwara Eliya. The book speaks about trying to find his grandfather who had flown to Canada and has passed away. The book is inspired by some of his real life experiences which have been twisted here and there to make it interesting for the readers. 

Peter Grimsdale is an award winning author and television producer whose six novels include acclaimed thrillers such as ‘Perfect Night’ and ‘Just Watch Me’. His interest in Sri Lanka has begun in January 1984 when as a young TV researcher he has worked on a BBC Real Life documentary, Siva’s people about the Tamil community. 

Peter Grimsdale (left) and Rohan Candappa (right) 

Stephanie Calman spoke about her book ‘Confessions of a failed grown-up’ which was a humorous read about failures that grown-ups see when comparing themselves with others. 

Rohan Candappa took the event by storm as he spoke about his ‘Rules Britannia : The 101 Essential Questions of Britishness Answered’. The book points out to different segments of British culture including music and interactions of people between one another. He engaged the audience in his performance which was an ice breaker of the event. 

At the end of the show, we also didn’t forget to speak to the guests. Sharing their ideas about the event, a few them had this to say; 

“The concept was really good and the authors had some interesting content in their books. But it would have been better if there was more sounds.” – Vijitha Yapa 

“I had a good time especially I got some good tips about how to write stories taking one’s past as an inspiration.” – Peta 

“It was a good combination of different topics by the authors.” – Zainab 

“I had a good time listening to their stories and how they were inspired to write books.” – Fathima 

“The session was very interactive and I learnt many new things about how to write books.” – Thuthi 

“It was a wonderful evening. In fact the authors encouraged me to buy their books. Also I should mention that Rohan Candappa did a good show.” – Melanie 

“The event was wonderful. We got to learn many things about books and I would like to thank the event organisers for pulling off a great event of this calibre.” – Keith 

Photographs by Kithsiri de Mel


Kamanthi Wickramasinghe

A psychology graduate who eventually became a journalist to be a voice for unheard voices. A proud Sri Lankan - Thalassophile - Travel fan - Nature lover - Chocoholic - Extraordinarily loud - Frequent laughaholic. Follow me on Instagram - @kamzylifeTM or FB – Kamanthi Wickramasinghe


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