Buzz with Danu - Megha Sooriyaarachchi

Aug 21 2024.

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Today on the Buzz I speak to the new “talk of the town”, Mr Sri Lanka Megha Sooriyaarachchi. Megha is the founder of 'The Foundation of Change,' a non-profit organisation committed to empowering grassroots communities across Sri Lanka. His passion for filmmaking and acting has made him work on more than 6 films which are due to be released soon. And one already in theatres island-wide. Get to know this talented man on the Buzz today!!

What is the most important thing in your life to you? 

The most important thing in my life is the ability to positively impact the lives of others by giving back to society. This core value drives me to seek opportunities where I can contribute to the well-being of individuals and communities, whether through my work, personal interactions, or volunteer efforts. I believe that true fulfilment comes from making a difference, and I am deeply committed to using my skills, resources, and time to uplift those around me. By focusing on bettering the lives of others, I aim to create a ripple effect of positivity, fostering a more compassionate and connected world. This sense of purpose not only enriches my own life but also aligns with my vision of a more equitable and supportive society.

Who has inspired you to date? 

My parents have been my greatest inspiration, especially in how they dedicate their lives to serving others as doctors. Growing up, I witnessed firsthand their unwavering commitment to their patients and the profound impact they had on the lives of so many people. Their compassion, dedication, and tireless work ethic taught me the true meaning of service and the importance of putting others before oneself. 

Through their example, I learned that a meaningful life is one that is spent helping others, alleviating suffering, and making a tangible difference in the world. Their ability to balance the demands of their profession with genuine care for their patients and community has shaped my own values and aspirations. I strive to emulate their selflessness and dedication in my own life, whether through my career or personal endeavours, always aiming to contribute positively to society. Their influence continues to guide me, reminding me of the importance of empathy, hard work, and the profound impact that one can have when driven by a purpose greater than oneself.

How would you describe your winning moment?

Winning Mr. World Sri Lanka 2024 was an unforgettable memory, one that I will cherish for the rest of my life. Standing on that stage, surrounded by the top 15 finalists who had become like brothers to me throughout the competition, was a surreal experience. Each of us had worked so hard, supporting and pushing each other to be our best selves, and in that moment, I felt an overwhelming sense of pride and gratitude—not just for the title, but for the incredible journey we shared together.

The bond we formed was something truly special. Despite being in competition with each other, we built a strong sense of camaraderie, mutual respect, and genuine friendship. We lifted each other up, celebrated each other’s successes, and helped each other through challenges. Winning among such an outstanding group of men made the victory even more meaningful because I knew I had earned it not just through personal effort, but also through the strength of the relationships we built.

This victory wasn't just about the title; it was a testament to the power of brotherhood, teamwork, and the belief that we can all rise together. It was a moment of pure joy and fulfilment, knowing that I had not only achieved a significant personal goal but also gained lifelong friends who shared in that triumph with me.

Tell me about your social project. 

The Foundation of Change is a non-profit organization that I founded with the goal of empowering grassroots communities in Sri Lanka. The inspiration behind this initiative came from my deep-rooted belief in the power of community and the need to create sustainable, positive change at the local level. 

Our mission is to uplift underprivileged and marginalized groups by providing them with the necessary tools, education, and opportunities to improve their lives and achieve self-sufficiency. We focus on areas such as education, healthcare, sustainable development, and community building, all of which are critical to fostering long-term growth and resilience within these communities.

Starting this organization was a deeply personal endeavour for me. I have always been passionate about giving back to society, and I recognized that the most effective way to do this was by directly addressing the challenges faced by those at the grassroots level. By empowering these communities, we can create a ripple effect that not only improves individual lives but also contributes to the broader development of the nation.

The Foundation of Change represents my commitment to making a lasting impact on the lives of those who need it most. It’s incredibly fulfilling to see the tangible results of our efforts and to know that we are helping to build stronger, more resilient communities across Sri Lanka. Through this organization, I hope to inspire others to take action and contribute to the well-being of our society, creating a brighter future for all.

What made you enter cinema? 

My journey into cinema was primarily fueled by my deep love for storytelling and direction, which I discovered as my first true passion in life. From an early age, I was drawn to the art of telling stories—how they have the power to inspire, educate, and evoke a wide range of emotions. This fascination with narrative led me to explore the world of direction, where I found a unique opportunity to craft stories visually and bring them to life on screen.

Direction, for me, is not just about guiding the technical aspects of a film but about creating a vision that resonates with audiences. I am passionate about shaping every element of a story—from the script to the cinematography to the performances—ensuring that each piece contributes to a unified and impactful narrative. The ability to influence how a story is told and how it unfolds for the audience is what excites me the most about direction.

Acting, on the other hand, came into my life as a natural extension of my passion for storytelling. As I delved deeper into the world of cinema, I realized that acting was another powerful way to explore and express the stories I wanted to tell. Through acting, I could immerse myself in different characters, understand their journeys from the inside out, and convey their emotions and experiences in a way that connects with the audience on a personal level.

In many ways, acting became a complementary passion that allowed me to further engage with the stories I was so eager to tell as a director. It provided me with a new perspective on storytelling—one that is intimate, personal, and deeply connected to the human experience. This dual passion for both direction and acting has enriched my journey in cinema, enabling me to approach storytelling from multiple angles and create work that is both meaningful and impactful.

What would you say is missing in our entertainment field?

One of the key areas that I believe is missing in the cinema and entertainment industry of Sri Lanka is a heightened level of professionalism. While the industry is filled with immense talent and creativity, there is often a lack of structured processes, disciplined work ethics, and industry-wide standards that can elevate the quality and consistency of the work being produced.

while Sri Lanka's cinema and entertainment industry has tremendous potential, a greater emphasis on professionalism could significantly improve the quality and consistency of the work being produced, foster a more supportive environment for talent, and ultimately lead to a more thriving and respected industry.

And what would you like to add to improve it? 
There is a need for a more structured approach to talent development and industry training. In many established entertainment industries around the world, there are clear pathways for individuals to hone their skills, gain experience, and rise through the ranks. In Sri Lanka, a stronger focus on professional development, whether through formal education, workshops, or mentorship programs, could help to elevate the overall standard of the industry.

Tell me about your family. And home life?

I come from a close-knit family of five. Both of my parents are doctors, and their dedication to their profession has always been a source of inspiration for me. They’ve shown me the importance of hard work, compassion, and the value of serving others, which has profoundly influenced my own values and aspirations. Growing up in a household where healthcare and service to others were central themes has instilled in me a deep respect for the work they do and the impact it has on the community.

My younger brother and sister are currently pursuing higher education, each following their own paths and passions. It’s exciting to see them carve out their futures, and I’m incredibly proud of the individuals they’re becoming.

My family and home life have been pivotal in shaping who I am today. They’ve provided me with a solid grounding, a sense of responsibility, and a commitment to making a positive impact in whatever I do.

How has Mr Sri Lanka changed or added to your life?

Winning the title of Mr World Sri Lanka 2024 has been an incredible honour and a transformative experience in my life. Being given the opportunity to represent Sri Lanka on an international stage, especially at one of the most prestigious male pageants in the world, is something that I hold with immense pride and responsibility.

This achievement has not only elevated my platform but has also opened doors for me to engage with a global audience, allowing me to showcase the rich culture, values, and traditions of Sri Lanka. It has given me a unique opportunity to be an ambassador for my country, highlighting the beauty, diversity, and resilience of our people. The title has also placed me in a position where I can advocate for causes that I am passionate about, particularly those related to empowering grassroots communities through my work with The Foundation of Change.

On a personal level, this experience has instilled in me a deeper sense of purpose and has strengthened my commitment to making a positive impact in the world. It has challenged me to grow, both as an individual and as a representative of my country, pushing me to constantly strive for excellence and to use my voice for the greater good.

Furthermore, being Mr. World Sri Lanka 2024 has connected me with an incredible network of individuals from around the island—fellow contestants, mentors, and supporters—who have inspired me and enriched my life in countless ways. The camaraderie and friendships I’ve formed with other contestants have been a highlight of this journey, and these relationships have expanded my perspective and understanding of the world.

Winning Mr. World Sri Lanka has been more than just a title; it has been a profound journey of personal growth, cultural representation, and global engagement. It has empowered me to take on new challenges, embrace new opportunities, and continue to strive for positive change both in my country and on the international stage.

What would you tell a young lad to inspire him or her?

If I were to inspire a young person, I would tell them to focus on becoming the best version of themselves and to always look for ways to give back to society in the best way they can. Life is a journey of growth, and the key to true fulfilment lies in constantly striving to improve oneself—whether that’s through education, personal development, or honing your skills and talents. Embrace who you are, discover your passions, and work tirelessly to excel in whatever you choose to do.

But success is not just about personal achievement; it’s also about making a positive impact on the world around you. We all have a responsibility to contribute to the betterment of society, whether it’s by helping others, standing up for what’s right, or using our talents to address the challenges our communities face. No matter how big or small your contribution may seem, it can create a ripple effect that touches the lives of many.

Being the best version of yourself means not only pursuing your dreams but also carrying a sense of purpose and compassion. It’s about finding ways to lift others as you climb, sharing your success, and making sure that your journey leaves a lasting, positive impact. Remember, true greatness is not measured by how much you achieve for yourself, but by how much you give back to others.

So, I would encourage every young person to dream big, work hard, and always keep in mind the importance of giving back. In doing so, you’ll not only find personal satisfaction and success, but you’ll also contribute to building a better, more compassionate world for everyone.

What’s next for you?
Life, Lecturing, Cinema and Mr World 2024!


Danu Innasithamby

Danu is a Jaffna Boy with a Marketing qualification (only because he needed to study, and not because he wanted it). He has been a part of the team for seven years and is the face behind Buzz with Danu, and WTF.


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