Jul 25 2014.
views 864Power of Play presents an interactive performance of Sybil Wettasinghe’s classic tale
In celebration of World Population Day which took place on the 11th of July; Power of Play (PVT) LTD presents an interactive performance of Sybil Nenda’s ‘Monster in the well’ at 10.30am, Saturday 26th July 2014 at the Expographic Bookstore in Pelawatte.
The well loved tale will be dramatized by Sulochana Dissanayake, Founder and Artistic Director of Power of Play, who has been bringing Sybil Nenda’s stories, and other Sri Lankan folk tales to life at Expographics on a monthly basis now for over a year. Says Sulochana, “These interactive dramatic narrations are for children as well as all who are young at heart; they represent an opportunity to experience the stories you love in a brand new, unforgettable manner, or to introduce them to your children in a way they will never forget. These events aim to instill the joys of reading and re-animate the magical experience of story-telling."
The experience is not just an interesting take on telling a tale, it is a full-fledged dramatic experience which sees these timeless stories spring to life with puppets, dialogue, music and movement; and participants are invited to step into the action as they join the brave boy who befriends a monster who lives in his well, and even treats him to a make-over!
An internationally renowned children's author, Sybil Wettasinghe has written and illustrated over 300 stories that have won her numerous national and international awards. ‘Monster in the well’ is based on a story by her grandson, and it encapsulates empathy, understanding and acceptance of diverse living beings who share our environment. “Every month we read a story that celebrates an event or tradition of significance” explains Sulochana “This month we focused on World Population day, and this story is all about inclusion – a very positive and timely message for children and adults alike!”
Parents are encouraged to accompany their children and join in the show or relax and browse through the Expographic store’s wide range of books, in a space architecturally designed to cultivate the love of reading with its multiple, overlapping spaces.
More details of the event can be obtained on http://www.facebook.com/powerinfoplay or call the Expographic Bookstore on 0112787140 – 141 or 0773165894. Online tickets available at http://www.expo-graphic.com with a discount for early registrations.