8 Ways To Respond To Marriage Talk

Dec 17 2015.

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When Are You Getting Married Putha? 
8 Awesome Ways to Respond! 
If you are in your 20’s or early 30’s this question is unavoidable. In fact it becomes a regular conversation topic in every party you go to. It doesn’t matter if you are at a family function dancing to a song or at a funeral crying your eyes out, the question pops up every time they see you. The first time someone asked me this question I was taken by surprise! (In my mind I’m thinking I should stop eating so many cutlets…. And they are asking me when I’m getting married!?!) 
Now let me warn you it doesn’t matter whether you are a girl or a boy and more importantly whether you have a girlfriend/boyfriend or fiancé! If you are 20 you have to be married. 
Accepting these aunties and uncles as friends on Facebook doesn’t help matters. You post one pic with a boy and they think you are going to marry him the next day! 
Anyway here is a few ways in which you can choose to respond. 
1. Be nice. If you are patient and generally a very polite and nice person you can try this option. Take time with them and explain what your plans are for the next couple of years. (Good luck with that!) 
2. Joke around it. Laugh as if it’s the funniest thing you have ever heard! It works! Trust me. They will immediately realise that you are way too immature to get married. Let alone think of it! 
3. Eye their son or daughter! That would scare the hell out of them. Obviously you are not good enough for their own kids, which is why they will avoid you at all costs in the future. 
4. Completely ignore the question like you went deaf for the last few minutes and start talking about something else. Helps to make them the subject and start asking questions about their life and how they have been. 
5. If you are near the drinks or food table you are at an added advantage. Get busy serving yourself with something. Or say the host needs you to help out and start serving something! Basically get distracted and occupied with something else! 
6. Laugh and say ‘first find me a boyfriend/girlfriend will you?” This will definitely scare them off. They don’t want to be responsible for your life partner. Well there is a high chance of them embracing this challenge as well. They might try to set you up with someone at the party itself! 
7. Scream at them and storm off! This is definitely not encouraged. But I understand if you have had enough and all you want is to be left alone. This may grab more attention to you though. That is a risk. One the plus side everyone who was there at the party will never bother you again. 
8. Hang a board around your neck which will say “No. I am not getting married yet!” I’m not kidding. If you are the jovial type of person who is known to be a fun loving prankster try this trick! Everyone will continue to think your funny and you will also find an easier way to get the message through! 
The older you get the more frequently they will ask you this question. It’s just how it is and there is no way around it. If you don’t want to get married at all then you need all the luck there is because they will ask you this question till you die! So print this list and post it on your wall. It will be fun to pick which answer you are going to use for the day! 
By Jithendri Gomes


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