25 things : Denushka!

Oct 03 2013.

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25 things you don’t know about : Denushka Weeraperuma
As the LITE 87 Miss Universe Sri Lanka fever still continues, I spoke to a media personality who’s in the process of making her name in the industry. A top 5 Finalist and winner of the LIFE ONLINE Most Popular mini-title, Denushka spills her 25!  
1. I'm not a fan of chocolates and they make me super hyper! So whenever my friends want to see me act like a total weirdo, they make me eat chocolates till I get a sugar rush!
2. I dislike the beach (that's a nice way of putting it), and I don't know why, but my friends get pretty offended when I say it! 
3. I'm known for giggling all the time. It's so bad that I'm told how to behave at funerals every time I attend one.
4. I believe I'm a very friendly person. I just take my own cool time to make friends.
5. I believe I act very lady like but my friends totally disagree! (According to them, I'm a boy trapped in a woman's body) 
6. I have a habit of brushing my hair a lot. I mean why not? It just makes me look a bit better.
7. I'm told that I tend to be mean to all my male friends. (Well in my defence that's how I show my love for them)
8. I love dancing, anywhere, anytime. Sometimes I just forget what I'm supposed to do because I'm distracted by my own dancing skills.
9. I believe in superheroes. ( I just don't believe in their taste in fashion) 
10. I am known to be great at giving relationship advice. (But I sometimes wonder why I'm still single)
11. I am a person who loves to share. It just doesn't apply for food.
12. The love I have towards hot butter cuttlefish is so much that I make sure I order that dish wherever I go to eat.
13. I have a habit of waking up in the middle of the night and making myself "rotti" (my mum went through all that trouble when I was a baby)
14. I don't like to talk over the phone much. (But this only applies when my friends run out of gossip)
15. I dislike tea so much that I even refuse to make it!
16. I admit I'm a neat freak. (But someone should take charge of the mess)
17. I have a major crush on SRK, and most of my dreams are about him asking me out on dates. (I hope he will ask me to marry him soon! I mean in my dreams)
18. My friends say that I'm self obsessed because I take a lot of seflies. But maybe that's how I remind myself of how good of a photographer I am.
19. I eat a lot of fruits. My dad has to buy more fruits than vegetables for our household.
20. I am such a horror movie freak, that I stay up till late in the night to watch horror movies all by myself.
21. I am totally in love with my dog. (Sometimes I miss him more than anything or anyone when I'm not at home)
22. I'm so good at being sarcastic that sometimes my friends don't know whether I'm being sarcastic or not.
23. My laugh is so distint that some people recognise me from me laugh and not my voice.
24. I believe I'm a good whistler. (It's just that people are bad at guessing the tunes I whistle)
25. I don't necessarily believe in having a tomorrow so I just live for the day.


  1. Kishan Medamudali says:

    First and foremost, a Sri Lankan who dislikes the beach and hates tea ?? Uhg ! You'll make a nice poster girl for the Tourist Board.
    Secondly, someone who describes herself as being self-obsessed, boasts about being sarcastic and liking horror movies, no wonder the dog is your best friend !
    Lastly but not least, do all these great virtues including not liking to talk(or bark) over the phone, qualify you to be a relationships expert ? Duh !,

  2. Ash7700 says:

    So Good at being Sarcastic????? Is it something to be proud of???? clearly this girl has mixed up her strengths and weaknesses..

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