How do you treat cavities?

Mar 01 2016.

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As I said before, tooth decay is 100% preventable! But what’s your next step if you’ve got cavities? 

There’s a variety of treatments available depending on which stage you are at.  Visit your dentist and he or she will look around and tell you which treatment is your best option. 

·    Fluoride Treatment – at the initial stage where your cavity is just getting formed, fluoride treatment can help restore the tooth’s enamel that has started to erode. Treatment can vary from your average store bought fluoride toothpaste to professional treatment like gel, varnish or fluoride placed in a small tray to fit over your teeth. 

·    Tooth Fillings – when the decay has reached passed the enamel erosion stage, your dentist will recommend a tooth filling. They will remove the decayed tooth material, clean the area and will fill the cavity with filling material, closing off spaces where bacteria can enter. There are different kinds of filling ranging from gold, amalgam, composite resin and porcelain. What kind of filling is best for you will be decided according to how much repair is needed, your allergy to certain elements and cost. 

·    Crowns – where the teeth has weakened due to the decay your dentist might recommend a crown, a covering that’s custom filled to replace your tooth’s entire crown. The decayed area will be drilled away and a crown will be inserted to fit the cavity area. Again, there are different types of crowns; gold, porcelain and resin, and it will be up to your dentist to decide which your best fit is. 

·    Root Canal – is a last ditch effort to truly save your tooth. When the decay has reached the inner material of the tooth called the pulp, a root canal will attempt to repair the badly damaged tooth. The dentist will remove the diseased tooth pulp and perhaps insert medication to prevent any infection and will replace the pulp with filling. 

·    Tooth Extraction – Ah, the most drastic measure of it all. If your tooth is just not salvageable and so severely decayed, your dentist will recommend that the tooth should be removed. Having a tooth removed can often leave gaps to allow other teeth to shift as well, so it’s best that a bridge or dental implant is inserted to replace the missing tooth and protect your other teeth!

The more you wait, the more painful your treatment is going to be! 

Remember, it’s almost 100% preventable!


Text by Panchali Illankoon


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