6 ways extracurricular activities help your children

Jul 22 2016.

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From a parent's point of view, extra-curricular activities can be quite tedious. 

Out of school hours, whether in the morning or late in the afternoon, arrangements for food and transport have to be made, disrupting the normal schedule. 

This means extra work for parents and more time spent ferrying children to and fro. But in actuality, academic excellence with the extra-curricular activities compels and motivates children to excel. It is all about creating a wholesome, balanced life for your child. 


Here are a few tips to convince you even more:

1. Strengthen the mind: Yes academics will help children expand their minds, but extra-curricular activities such as high endurance sports will also help to strengthen it. The determination, focus and patience required to excel in sports, helps mould the child to perfection.

2. Team spirit: When playing a team sport, it goes without saying that the game is not about one person. Therefore the child learns important life skills on how to communicate, trust others, work in harmony with their peers, etc.

3. Emergence of talents: We are indeed blessed with our talented children, and letting them pursue interests and activities will help bring to light their inborn abilities. From gold medal winning swimmers to piano maestros to prima ballerinas and songbirds, let your children find their hidden talents.

4. Better time management: Coupled with academic responsibilities, sports and other activities require much of your child's time. Therefore this is a simple lesson for them to learn essential time management skills. Everything can be done if time is managed efficiently.

5. Building self-esteem and confidence: Mastering new skills can build confidence in a child. They take pride in their accomplishments and this will reflect on their academic work. 

6. Learn about goal setting: Activities such as music and sports require the children to accomplish certain levels or complete exams, therefore the child learns to strive toward and accomplish goals. He or she understands the process of working towards a goal, of committing time, quantity and quality of effort to achieve a dream.

Extra-curricular activities do not detract from academics; in fact they help the child to do better. Make it a point to help your child find an interest, hobby or talent and let them flourish. 


Mrs. Hiranya Fernando, Principal, Methodist College shared some expert advice on the matter. 


Written by Mayuri Jayasinghe based on an interview with Hiranya Fernando, Principal, Methodist College.



Mayuri Jayasinghe

Mayuri Jayasinghe plays many roles in her life but her most important and quite baffling role is that of being mother to her four children. She is the voice behind 'Parenting Life' for LIFE. A regular contributor to Women at Work and the Little Enquirer. Follow Mayuri on her Facebook page, The Parenting Club.


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