Wasim Thajudeen

Jul 29 2015.

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It has been three years, as a family how have you coped?
We don’t want to think Wasim is no more with us.  We find it hard to accept that he is gone forever. Three years has passed by and it is still a fresh wound with every one of us. There is no one like Wasim for us. Every day it is only becoming harder for us with all that is happening around.
Each one of us has our own battles within to console ourselves with his loss. My parents are no more what they used to be once, they are forced to move on and thanks to their Islamic values in life, they are patient and holding on to their pain.

We keep ourselves very busy. Our life is gone without him.

For the past few months , this incident has been spoken about in political shows - what are your thoughts? 
Wasim’s death has become a topic of discussion since the time of his death and since the last elections it has become a political debate. 
As we all know, his sudden death left a puzzle unsolved.  His case was not properly concluded and his memory was fading away.
We appreciate the people and leaders who brought  the case to be heard in courts again, as we also believe that the case has to be concluded with whatever judgment as final in the court of law, never to be in a dilemma and discussion again. 
This is so that we can all rest with the thought Wasim is gone and deal with it alone, rather than have so many stories built around, dragging us into unnecessary situations and agony, over and over again. As family, we don’t think it is helping us in any way for the politicians of any party to use him for their political motives. Wasim is not a campaigning object and I’m sad to realise that it is how it is now. 

How has this affected the family? 
As I discussed earlier the family is thoroughly disturbed as it is with his loss, and his case being discussed in media and debated on political forums is not helping us get over the pain. We only plead for justice on his death. 

What would you like to share about his life, that those who are reading my column should know? 
Wasim was one soul full of life.  He was everything a young man of that age could be and humble to the core. 
He was a true patriot and loved his country immensely. He never tolerated injustice and by all means he was fair by all.
To us, he was our smile, our life and now a void that can never be filled.

Do you feel the authorities have a clear picture of the incident now?
Authorities’ meaning, if you are referring to the CID, they are working on the case and we as family are hoping the truth will come out soon and justice will be meted out. I believe something that happened 3 years ago cannot be resolved in the court of law as quickly as one could expect with many obstacles.
His memorial rugby game is coming up, more details? 
Wasim Thajudeen Memorial Trophy  will be held on 8 August for the second consecutive year, and let me take this opportunity to thank the organising committee and all his well-wishers who are showing their love to him with their contributions towards this. 

What do you request from politicians regarding this story and many unsolved stories as such? 
My humble request is to bring justice to my brother’s death and to all such unsolved stories. 
My appeal is that this case will be solved by law and concluded with justice and not continue as a story of debate and remain an unsolved puzzle and be a story of talk around the country. 
I thank the leaders and the people who brought the case back to law, and at the same time I kindly appeal that his death should not be taken as a political discussion.

Now that Thajudeen’s death has been ruled out as an accident, what justice do you hope for? 
As the case is still not concluded, I would say, if Wasims death is a murder, the culprit has to be brought forward in the court of law and punished legally. I strongly believe every citizen is the same in the eyes of the law of the country. 
No mother, no family, should face such a loss. No soul should face such a tragic death.

How would you describe Wasim in 3 words? 


  1. LANKAN says:

    When I see his picture in the news, it was so sad what was happened to him, anyway he is gone forever. I pray to my almighty please god bring the culprits forward who killed him in the court of law and punished legally. I strongly believe a murder cannot be hide forever, how many years passed one day the truth will come out. God is Great

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