Upeksha Hager

Mar 06 2014.

views 1595


Full name : Upeksha Sanjeewani Deegala

Hometown : Matale

Status : Mom and Mrs.

Birthday : Dec 13

School : The Art Institute of Philadelphia

Idols : Artists and people that do for others

Passions : Music, books, cooking, painting, good conversation


Favourite colour : Not partial to one. Currently mad on a grey hue of most colours, like sage green, dusky rose etc.

Favourite cartoon : Calvin and Hobbes on print, the Hobbit 1977 on screen


How fashionable are you? Depends on how I feel.

What advice would you have for aspiring fashion designers?
The pictures that come to mind are easy, but spend time on how to realise them. Concept into form.

What do you like best about designing clothes?
To imagine a part of the human spirit that wants to come through visually, and creating something that does that. Also the pleasure of starting and finishing a job.

How would you define your personal style? Bohemian

What are some of your fashion goals? To become better every year, and to grow as a business comfortably.

One thing you love to see in another person? Kindness

What does love mean to you? The capacity to feel joy in the happiness of another.

How was Colombo Fashion Week for you this year?
It’s an awesome event. I love showing there. Loved making the collection and the response was good.

How do you manage family and design?
I have a little workshop in my house. It’s a part of our home

How often do you shift between Colombo and D.C?
Pretty rooted here at the moment. So, we just visit.

Where can people buy your clothes/jewellery?
At my studio in Pellawatta and Cotton Collection.

What are your favourite fabrics to work with and why?

For Sri Lanka I use natural fabric, cotton, linen, silk. They breathe well. If you are uncomfortable, you are not happy.


If you just won a million dollars, would you quit your job?
I started and still do because I love it so much. If work feels like play, one should keep it, I think

If you had to design an outfit for our parliament members, what look would you like to give them?
Emperor’s clothing? Actually, not my forte.

If you had to be named after a city, state, or country (etc.), what would you want it to be?
Gosh, San Fran...liberal, arty, environment friendly.

If you could bring any person back to life, who would it be?
A writer. Dostoevsky. I could use another masterpiece by him in life.


On the Spot

Who is your all-time favourite Sri Lankan designer?
 Hard to pick. I thought Kanchana was awesome at CFW.

Ajai / Derik  - who is easier to handle?
Don’t get to deal with Derik. Ajai is very supportive.

How do you handle negative feedback?
If it’s constructive, I fix it. If it’s a matter of taste, it’s a matter of taste.

Top 5 in life?
1. Family
2. Values
3. Doing art
4. Enjoying art
5. Friends


For Fun

Have you ever done something really unbelievable, only to have no one around to see it?
Once I threw baby diaper into a trash can 25M away, Swoosh, but no one but a drooling baby was around to witness it!

Have you ever raised money for charity? Yes

Have you ever sailed? No

What’s your favourite type of fish? Tuna, rare

Which do you prefer - pony tails or pig tails?
For me? At this age, ponytail, I guess.

Do you like marzipan? No. It’s too sweet.



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