Tereza Fajksová

Jul 31 2013.

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Full Name :  Tereza Fajksová
School : Public Administration
Hometown : Ivančice, Czech Republic
Status : Single
Birthday : 17.5.1989
Role model : No specific person. I draw inspiration from different successful people and try to emulate their positive attitude
Passions : Chocolate, chips, sport, animals, books, movies


How was the feeling when you won, Miss Earth 2012? 
Excited, confused, in shock I didn’t expect to win. But I prayed to do well and represent my country with pride. It was such a great honour for me and achievement for my family and country.
United Nations General Assembly’s declared 2012 as the "International Year of Sustainable Energy for All", what has been your contribution to this? 
Before Miss Earth I saved energy. I tried to always switch off electrical appliances etc. My objective is to teach children what I know and teach them how to save our mother earth.
This year, 2013 we highlight the importance of water. It is a scarce resource and we all depend on it. Yet we pollute and waste it. Some areas have too much though and some walk for hours to have water to drink. 
This is a problem. We have to conserve and protect our water.
What do you hope to address in Sri Lanka as Miss Earth? 
When I came here I heard about  pet bottles being discarded in the streets. This is a mistake that must be corrected. Plastics can also be exchanged for reusable items like bags. We should stop producing waste and limit our consumption. We also must learn to conserve our resources and be disciplined in our lifestyle. We only have one planet. We must take care of it.
What are the projects you are involved in right now?
My main projects are children's education, cooperation with animal shelters and environmental activities around the world. In the different countries I visit, we do tree planting, beach cleanups and school tours. I also give talks to inspire children and communities. We also visit orphanages. More than the glamour of being  a beauty queen, the real work is in doing these activities. This is where I get fulfilment and joy.
What is your fashion statement?
Whenever I can (when I am not in my sky high heels) I love anything comfortable. This means T-shirt, shorts, flip flops. I prefer bright colours.
Name the one piece of clothing you can't live without? Undershirt
Would you come to live in Sri Lanka?
Cannot imagine yet, since I've been here only 2 days but it has been wonderful. I know from experience that it doesn’t matter where you are but who you're with. If my family lived here,  I’d follow them.
What are the qualities that draw you to people that you can base a friendship on?
Kindness, friendship, sincerity, truthfulness, selflessness, credibility..
Tell me a bit about your family?
I come from a normal sporting family who has lived together for more than 26 years. We are in love, although sometimes provoking. I have a brother and we love to tease each other. We have our shortcomings, as any family but we get over them. They are very very important to me. 
What are your life changing moments, apart from being crowned Miss Earth?
Severing tendons in the shoulder--I am a professional volleyball player and at one time, a strong spike caused me injury. I had to give up playing volleyball. So sport, career decisions, death in family and thinking about the world and life would be the answer.
What do you think has been your strength behind your success?
Good manners, honesty, modesty, efforts to help and behaving with people, the way they behave towards you . It is important to be true and spread goodness. In the end it all comes back to you.
Do you still play Volleyball nationally?
I have not got time. Now I'm glad I go for a walk with my dog.
What advice would you give to our Miss Earth?
Don’t change and act always with humility and modesty. Try to help all those who need it and protect our planet. Be a new warrior of Srí Lanka and motivate other people to follow you. You become influential when you win the title. But even as an individual, you should strive to be the best in whatever you choose to pursue. Work not only for yourself but for the betterment of your society and sustainability of the planet as well.


 Your Top 5 in Life
 1. Health
2. Family
3. Love
4. Career
5. Happiness


Do you get scared of the dark?
Still sleep with a night lamp. (But now I have energy saving LED bulbs) especially when I watch scary movies at night. I hate the dark.
Are you fond of children? 
Yes, I love them. They have so much ahead of them and I wish that they will be able to enjoy our nature as I have.
Do you believe in God?
I believe in a lot of things. In love, truth, justice, destiny. 
What is your biggest dream in life?
Have own ranch with lots of animals. 
Do you keep secrets?
Yes and I am not telling!


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