Sunil Samaratunga

Oct 27 2015.

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Full Name : Sunil Samaratunga 
Hometown : Dalugama, Kelaniya 
Status : Married 
Idols : Salvatore Ferragamo, Rafael Nadal, Andrea Bocelli, Satchmo (Louis Armstrong), Cartier Bresson 
Passions : Street photography, someday to saxophone solo in Central Park, New York and be a street cobbler in a busy market place.  

Tell me about yourself. How is life treating you? 
I’m kind of a school dropout, never had any particular aim in life. I started working in shoes in Colombo Fort in the late sixties till 1970. I felt "there is no business like shoe business". I came to Colpetty in 1971 and started my own shoe making in a garage. I found my salvation in ‘Kollupitiya’, my Jerusalem. 
What’s in store for your brand in the future? 
My brand is Sunil and it's motto is "soul for every soul". I’m sad to say it's a moribund art form today. I'm like " The Last of the Mohicans" – I’m almost at the end of the line for handmade shoe making in Sri Lanka. I see no future. 
You started at the very young age of 21. When do you hope to retire? 
I don't think I'll ever retire because I'm not working anymore. I'm really celebrating my shoes in my gallery, down by the sea, singing Hosanna to high heaven. In return I get new ideas from up above like rain. 
What do you think about technology? Has it helped your business? 
I still practise the forgotten art of shoe making, very old fashioned and obsolete. There’s hardly any technology involved. For this is no longer a business or industry. Just hand crafted in real leather. 
What do you like about your customers? 
Seeing satisfied customers leaving my gallery hugging many pairs of shoes makes me happy. I enjoy getting to know my customers as individuals, establishing long standing relationships which have led to continued patronage over 46 years as well as recommendation to friends and family. 
What do you feel about the people of Colombo? 
I love them, they gave me hope. If not for them, I would have been history. Thank you people of Colombo! 
Tell me about your kids and your wife, whom you have been married to for 43 years? 
I’ve got  2 girls and a boy. I have been living and working with her side by side at our gallery since the day we got married. She is a great woman. 
What do you feel about Sri Lanka? 
I'm proud to be a Sri Lankan, a paradiso. Viva Sri Lanka! 

Who inspires you? Who do you aspire to be like? 
Got inspirations from many people, seeing a  lot of places, things, listening to beautiful music, but I don't want to be anybody but me. 
What was the last book you read without skipping through anything? 
"The Bridges of Madison County" by Robert James Waller and the movie with the same title starring Clint Eastwood and Meryl Streep. 
If you could trade lives with one person for an entire day, who would it be and why? 
A postman. It’s a childhood fantasy, because I felt I have the license to go to every house to deliver letters, speak to them and slip a letter to my girlfriend. 
Do you believe in ghosts? 
A little bit in a funny way after reading "Jonathan Strange & Mr.Norrell" which is about an English manic and dark arts. 
Do you have sweet tooth or savoury tooth?
What accomplishment are you proud of? 
Who and what I'm today is from a humble beginning. I'm a man of many means today. 
Tell me about the best vacation you've ever taken. 
Vacation to Barcelona, Lake District (Beatrice Potter) East Anglia.


  1. Sandra says:

    I've known this man since the late 1970's to about the late 1980's when he had his small shop at Colpetty and I can very sincerely say for the 10 years I purchased shoes from him, they were very very good. No match to what is in the market today. Durability and style. Best of luck Sunil

  2. Danielle says:

    Man of many talents, indeed, religiously committed to his work and understands the subject like no other. Thank you Sunil you are The last of the Mohicans.

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