Satya Baashi

Jun 10 2014.

views 3180


Hometown : Colombo

Status : Single and loving it…
Birthday : 15th of Feb
Idols : I idolise Mallika Sherawat and I picture myself as Carmen Carrera the world’s first transgender to be nominated for Victoria Secret.

Passions : To further establish myself as a role model!

Favourite Colour : Pink…it’s so girly, hot and feminine!    

Favourite Cartoon : Shrek because (I got this from Facebook he he he) – it teaches us that no one should be perfect to have a happy ending!

What are you working on these days?
Well I attended the World Youth Conference as the only transgender representing the LGBT community in my country, right now I am preparing for another international event and I am working for Grassrooted trust promoting their fashion line, that’s it!


Tell me about your life?

My life?? Well where can I begin? I had many ups and downs as I know all of us have a story to tell about our lives. I was raised by a conservative family; they loved me a lot. As the eldest in my family my parents wanted me to set an example to my younger brother and live by their rules to please the society they were born into. With all the things affecting me from outside I was battling another war inside me; and I triumphed over self-stigma by the help given to me by my closest friends who now I accept as my family and I am so grateful for that.

I broke every rule that my parents had for me. I thought it was unfair for me to sacrifice my happiness to live a lie. After many arguments I finally managed to step out and be here right now talking to you with all the good that I have done for many who sought my help.

What were some of your biggest changes?

The biggest change, I guess, was changing my gender. Many say, even some doctors state, that Transgender is a mental imbalance (some cases this can be so, but not for all) and try to give a wrong image by giving a false definition. A person with knowledge and awareness accepts a transgender.     

Are you happy with yourself?
I am very happy with myself, it brings tears to my eyes to think about my past… tears of joy! I went through a lot like I mentioned. I am closer to my dreams and have achieved a lot, now more than ever, nothing can stop me for doing what I am good at and I will continue to do so…

What do you want to tell the world?
This goes to everyone - be yourself, identify yourself, your needs and live your life! We call ourselves human because we have the ability to distinguish what is wrong and what is right. At the end of the day, make sure that you can be happy and be at ease with the decisions that you have made.

How were you as a kid?
I was very naughty. I am pretty sure that every day my mother had a fit because of the things I did. I was very active and as a kid was bright and persuasive to get what I wanted from anyone who came my way.

Tell me a little bit about your family? Were they supportive?
At first as I mentioned above, my family was unconcerned with the issues I went through and they neglected to talk with me about most of the problems that I had, I guess they were scared and didn’t want to lose me.

At first after many confrontations my family accepted me as being a gay individual and even then I had to prove myself - that I was not gay and was a woman inside! Transforming myself to a woman was a big issue for them because they wanted me to live a life without any negative comments from society. My parents asked me to leave home and I left as I couldn’t bear to live a life of lies, I was not ready to face anyone who didn’t accept me for who I am and left to pursue my dreams and faced many hassles.

Now after many years my parents have learned to accept me for who I am and I appreciate my parents whole heartedly. Without them I would not have come out and be here in this status, to a certain extent!

As a transgender, what would you like to tell many who are not willing to come out to the public?

Like I said earlier, live your life, fully accept who you are and there onwards life will be an ease. There are no problems without any solutions. Coming out as a transgender is in fact a huge decision and it should be done with extreme care.

Have you ever fantasised about changing your first name? To what?
My real name, thank god.. is Satya and I am still Satya…..

How do you handle negative comments?
One simple word - “Ignore” - but I take everything into consideration and even negative comments inspire me.

What is your biggest challenge in your day to day life?
There are no challenges whatsoever, if there are any, I try my level best to overcome them and move forward.

Do you think, you look better as a man or a woman?


If you could sit down with your 15-year old self, what would you tell her?
I’d tell her to make a decision to come out as a transgender as early as possible. Don’t waste time, I would not tell her more than this because whatever happened to me happened for a reason and this made me strong!!

If you could be someone else, who would you like to be?
I don’t want to change myself to anyone, I am born as Satya and I am UNIQUE!

If you can have three wishes granted, what would you wish for?
I don’t have to wish for anything, I work hard to gain what I want. If I was granted a wish I wish that parents would have sympathy and accept their children for whom they are.

If you were given the opportunity to join a political party as a representative, would you and why?
Definitely! I will grab this chance to raise my voice and this will boost my power of influence over my community; not only the transgender community, other marginalised groups as well. No party touches on their needs and rights, I am pretty sure that I can gain enough votes to join a political party.

Four things that make you smile

1. A loving text from my crush in the morning
2. When I see my ex-boyfriends going out with ugly girls
3. Invitation for a random party
4. When guys tell me not to tell their girlfriends that they dated me (and I do!)

Just for Fun

How many pairs of shoes do you own?    
12 pair of heels, 3 wedges and 3 ballerinas from 3 shades of pink, and 2 sandals. I just gave away a pair of flip flops that I don’t wear regularly.

Who is the HOTTEST man in Colombo?    
God!!! Danu, can I give a list? Okay Malaka Silva and then you!

Where do you do your shopping?

Do you think we should live like we’re dying?
We are born and there is a time for death, I don’t think about death. I will accept death when the time is ready for me to leave this world, right now I am living my life to the fullest.

Do you think you are famous?
Obviously I ended up on your column right??!!


  1. sabry salih says:

    im sooo very proud of u satya you have inspired many and you still keep inspiring people, i thank you for being my friend and most importantly when people look at us when go go together they pass bad comments on you and then i realise your strength and these guts in you have inspired me to be who i want to be and care less of those who doesnt want to accept me for who i am.... thanx alot satya.... love u loadzzzzz..... <3

  2. Ahmed Bachaka says:

    I meet Satya baashi in Colombo during the World Conference on Youth 2014, she is friendly, and caring, one thing with her is funny girl and love the way she dance, and i admire her, Satya baashi stay bless.

  3. SABU S says:

    Hi iam Sabu from India and in Kerala. I'm working ina Transgender Suraksha project under Kerala State in India. Kindly give your personal number with E mail in our Mail. We are planning to conduct a international conferance so wish to invite you such a auspicious ceremany Kind regards Sabu (9995405527)

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