Rajitha Rupasinghe

Feb 19 2013.

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Full Name - Rajitha Rupasinghe
Hometown - Kotahena
Status - Undisclosed
Birthday - 24th September
Idols - Mick Jagger, Elton John, Geffry Fernando, Sunil Perera
Passions - Music, cooking, cricket
Favourite Colour - Any shade of red, black
Favourite food - Thai, Japanese - Sushi and of course Sri Lankan
Favourite Cartoon - Tin Tin, Bugs Bunny, Woody Woodpecker
How is to be in the music industry? 
Challenging but enjoying
Who supported you the most?
Sunil Perera, for his unanimous support when I was coming into the limelight.
When did singing become a part of your life?
From the day I was born it’s been music all the way. But it became a part of my life when I started Misty and while I was singing at the Robinson Club.
What is the first thing you notice in the opposite sex? 
Physically, mouth. If they smile a lot, if it's a good, friendly smile, etc.
Personality wise, a sense of humour.
What’s the last thing you do before you go to bed? 
Cover myself from head to toe with a blanket - how to sleep faster, longer and deeper without snoring too much.
Who /what was the thinking behind the name “Misty”?
Nothing special it’s the Ella Fitzgerald classic "Misty"
Who is your biggest fan?
My mum and my daughter Kavya.
If you could be instantly fluent in one other language that you currently do not read or speak, what would it be?
If you didn’t know your age, how old do you think you will be?
25. But age is only a number.
If you had to change your name “Rajitha”, what would you change it to?
Mrmisty on stage, but Rajitha will remain.
If the President wants you to perform a personal show, 5 songs you will perform?
My Way
Gangnam style
What a wonderful world 
We are Family
Api Okkoma Rajawaru
In the Spot
Mariazelle Goonetilleke , Corrine Almeida, Noeline Honter
Your personal favourite voice?
I love the stage personality of Corrine and the way she entertains the crowd at any given time all these years and continuing but if you ask me to pick the voice it's Noilene Honter. She's a real POWER House.
Ronnie Leitch, Sunil Perera, Sajan Nallathambi -
Who is your favourite entertainer on stage?
Nothing taken away from Ronnie, he is very funny on stage with his never ending stories. It’s Sunil Perera who's the entertainer for more than forty five years and is still going strong.
Kevin Damian Almeida, Damian Wikkramatillake , Ranil Amirthiah (Black) , Ricky Bahar
The voice, that makes you dance?
It's a treat to listen to Kevin and Demma when I'm relaxed. Damien is a balladeer and I feel Kevin can make me dance but I'm yet to experience that.
Five songs you love to perform
1. Music was my first love
2. The impossible dream
3. Bohemian rhapsody
4. Still loving you - Scorpions 
5. A whiter shade of pale
I have never sung all the songs above which I'm itching to sing but they are out of my vocal range.
Kissed your best friend: Don't wanna lose my best friend therefore No.
Run away: No
Skipped school: Yes ha...ha those were the days...
Broken someone's heart: Never.
Cried when someone died: I'm very emotional, yes I have.  
Done something embarrassing: Yes  
Cried in school: Yes I have 
Forgotten lyrics: Several times; I ended up bluffing.


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