Neidra Williams

Nov 07 2013.

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Full Name : Neidra Evelyn Williams
Hometown : Colombo  
Status : Married
Birthday : 1 August
Idols : None 
Passions : Theatre 
Favourite Colour : Lots
Favourite Cartoon : Ice Age I
How were you as a kid? 
Very quiet
What made you enter media? 
My mum was in media (Radio) so media was a part of my life 
What do you think about TV and Radio today? 
Don’t watch local TV - so can’t give an opinion. There are a lot of radio stations. A few are very good, others have just not got the mix right.
Whose wardrobe would you most like to possess and why? 
No one’s. I like mine ! 
What last made you laugh? 
Probably something you said at rehearsal recently.  
Tel me about your new play “A Christmas wish”? 
It’s a musical. It’s got all the ingredients : romance, action, adventure, laughter, good fighting evil and of course lots of singing and dancing.  
A little bit about the story line? 
It’s about a little boy who wishes for a new dad, since his dad is dead, and how Santa Claus helps to fulfill his wish. 
Do you like going to the gym? 
I neither like nor dislike it. It’s something I have to do…. So I do it. 
What are your nicknames? 
Just the one……Ned
3 things you cannot live without?
1. My Phone
2. My diary
3. Lip balm
What is the last thing you do before you go to bed? 
Name someone you can tell just about anything to? 
Jehan (husband)
What's the one thing you'd like to do but haven't done yet? 
Be in a film
If you were another person would you be friends with you? 
If you were a flavour of an ice cream, what would you be? 
If you could have any job, what would you want to do/be? 
If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation where would you go? 
If you woke up one morning looking like me, you will… 
In the Spot!
Would you rather be hated or forgotten? 
Dominic Kellar/ Anurutha Fernando - In your opinion who is a better “Puss”? 
Both are very good actors and interpreted the role differently. I can’t pick one over the other.  
Feroze / Jerome / Jehan Aloysius - Who’s your personal favourite? 
Haven’t worked under the directorship of either Feroze or Jehan Aloysius, while I have worked under Jerome’s guidance, intermittently, since I was eleven years old.  When I was a kid and visited my mum at SLBC (where Jerome also worked at that time) he would take me around the place and draw funny cartoons to entertain me. Who do you think is my personal favourite? 
Faizal Bonzo/Arun Dias Bandaranaike - Who would you pick for an event?
I have worked with both of them not only as MCs but also in media, Arun (Radio) Faizal (TV). Both have a great work ethic and are easy to work with.  
Who is your all-time favourite Miss Sri Lanka? 
I don’t know too many Miss Sri Lankas to comment here. But have to say that I admire Rosy Senanayake for her poise and sense of presence. 
Five things that make you smile
1. My kids – when they do something to help each other
2. My cats – when I see them rolled up together at the end of the bed  
3. When a play or even a scene in a play I have been struggling with finally comes together and it’s exactly the way I imagined
4. When after a gourmet meal the night before my scale says I am still the same weight the next morning… doesn’t happen often though 
5. Jehan, when he says he is going to retire at the age of fifty… I really laugh at that one!!
Just for Fun
Were you named after anyone? No 
Do you like your handwriting? It gets me by….
Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? Always 
Do you think you are strong? Sometimes…. And weak at other times 
Red or pink? Red 
Favourite smells? Perfume Romance by Ralph Lauren  
Hugs or kisses? Depends from whom…. 
Computer or television? Television for entertainment. Computer to keep my life in order
Rolling stones or Beatles? Beatles 


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