Michelle Gunesekera

Jun 17 2015.

views 1209

Full Name : Michelle Gunesekera
Hometown : Rajagiriya
Status : Married with three kids
Birthday : 23 September
Idols : My parents
Passions : My family, Chokolaate Magazine, Chocolates, Shopping
Favourite Colour : Turquoise

How is working with young people? 
Very inspiring! Their energy and enthusiasm is refreshing and the talent and capabilities they portray are simply amazing!
What made you start the brand ChoKoLAATe ? 
It started when I was young, when I realised we didn’t have a local publication and there was no particular platform for the youth to showcase their talents and achievements. 
What was your thinking? 
This was what made me think about starting something like this one day, where teens and young adults could reach out and connect with others and also be inspired and motivated by other youths’ achievements and goals. 
How has family life been after a husband and kids? 
Not to sound cliche, but it has been simply fantastic! My husband Emile is ever supportive and is my rock and I know I have his backing in whatever I strive to do. My kids are my inspiration and they keep me going at all times. 
Describe yourself in a single word.
Describe your ideal vacation. 
At the beach sitting on the sand with the waves lapping at my feet..
How much time do you spend on social networking for a week? 
Quite a lot!
\Who has inspired you the most? 
My mom Shanti. She has taught me to never shy away from hard work as only hard work and determination will get you to where you want to go.
How comfortable are you with your PR skills?  
So far so good
How do you cope with stress? 
Whenever I feel stressed I work towards taking one thing at a time and then working up to completing the entire task



If I asked you to cook me dinner, what would you make me? 
A spicy chicken biriyani
If a girl friend of yours has lipstick on her teeth, are you the type to say it out loud?
Not out loud, but will tell her quietly before anyone else notices.
If one person has to design your wardrobe who would you pick, locally? Internationally? 
Locally I simply cannot decide but internationally I love DVF!
If you’re lost, do you ask for directions? 
Actually I do. (hehe)

In the spot...
Colombo society? 
Kumar or Mahela? 
Social events or family events? 
Do you think it’s okay for men and women who are in separate relationships to have coffee or lunch together? 
It’s OK but it’s not always seen that way.

Just for Fun...


Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 
A proud mum of three grown kids
Are you a spender or a saver? 
What’s your opinion on credit cards? 
Who was your hero when you were growing up? 
My dad and he still is

Would you rather? 


Live one life that lasts 1,000 years or live 10 lives that last 100 years each? 
One life that lasts 1000 years
Be able to speak every language in the world fluently or be the best in the world at something of your choosing? 
Be the best in the world at something of my choosing
Change the past or be able to see into the future? 
I would not change the past as I feel there should not be any regrets in life, just lessons learnt and memories cherished but I would love to see into the future.
“My special thanks go to my parents Brian and Shanti for moulding me into who I am today. My mother in grace Janet for being there for me at all times. My hubby Emile and my kids Tristen, Tia and Treyden for being my constant support and inspiration throughout every single day. My sis Karen for all her help and encouragement and my crew Aaqee, Kalharie and all my writers and staff. Without you, Chokolaate would not be possible!”


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