Lilamani Benson

Jun 19 2013.

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Full name - Lilamani Benson.  My given middle name is IRENE actually! 

Hometown – Born: Matara.  Ancestral home: Rambukkana. Schooled: Colombo –  so I am a hybrid!

Status -  Not single.  So must be ‘double’ 

Birthday - I’m a Scorpio. And it shows. Leave it at that!

Idols –  William Shakespeare for his incomparable creativity and complexity of words and ideas.  Henri Matisse for his dancing imagery and colour.  

Passions –    Pursue Excellence  -  intensely,  in everything.       

Cartoon you enjoy -   Tin Tin and his side kicks         

Favourite Colour- Passionate Purple. Deep Blue-Green.   

What made you choose Advertising? Because it’s the profession that empowers one to engage with and influence people,  life,  ideas,  feelings,  ambitions.  

Your involvement with Zonta Sri Lanka? Any new projects?  Yes.  Zonta’s major movement, internationally and nationally is ‘Say NO to Violence against Women’ 

What makes you angry at work?  Mediocrity.  

What is one thing you could tell us about yourself that others would be surprised to know?  As a child and growing up, I was incredibly shy and introverted.  

How would you describe yourself?   Strong, Giving. With the ability to ‘push the envelope’ .

Who do you admire most? In life there are ‘complicators’ and ‘simplifiers’. I love those that simplify!

Choose a movie title for the story of your life?   ‘HAIR!’  

How good are you in making new friends?  Not very good. There are lots and lots and lots of people I am happy to know. But have only a VERY FEW good friends. 

What is a gossip you heard about yourself, that made you laugh?  “She’s got a man!”  But they did not know WHO it was!  When Terry and I first got ‘together’. 

What is your fashion statement?  Wear a colour that suits me. And ‘accent’ with a scarf or a piece of jewellery.      

Something you and your Husband (Terry Benson) enjoy doing together? Sharing a bottle of good wine.

If you could have plastic surgery right now and change anything about yourself, what would you change?  I’ll smooth the furrow in my brow. 

If you could only achieve one thing in life what would it be? That I would have brought up a family (of my own and the Lowe LDB family) of happy fulfilled people.  

If the whole world were listening, what would you say? LOVE  . . .  and LET LIVE!   (Pursue your own philosophy of life passionately.  Utterly respect those who believe differently.  There’s room for all of us. 

If you could win any award what would it be, why?  For the ability to build resilient brands that dominate markets and re-invent themselves.   

If you could have only 3 electrical appliances in your house? 
A bedside light.  A TV.  A charger for my I Pad.. 

In the Spot

Yolanda Aluwihare, Darshi Keerthisena Out of the two, who is your personal favourite?
Yolande for her elegance. Darshi for her spontaneity. 
Triad, Bates, Leo Burnett - Apart from Lowe LDB, a personal favourite AD Agency?
I love ALL who work in advertising. We keep people switched on, to brands, products, ideas. We keep an economy buzzing!
Would you call yourself a hard boss to work for...?  I’m a TOUGH boss to work for.  I am very demanding, first of myself, and then of everybody else. 
Your personal favourite Colombo Personality?  Mr Pusswedilla
Ramani Fernando , Nayana Karunaratne, Vasantha de Silva from Kess - Your personal favourite?  
None of them can show me how to tame my impossible hair. So what can I say! 
Your top 5 things you do, when you have free time?
1.   Think.  Dream.  
2.    Play Scrabble against the computer. And get the computer to help me win.
3.    Watch favourite TV programmes. 
4.    Play with words, with colours.
5.    Cook – some dish with my own twist to it. 
Makes you laugh the most -  A close friend who has a ridiculous sense of humour!   

Makes you smile -  My mates at work 

Can make you feel better no matter what - Each of my grandchildren

Makes you angry –  A person who’d hit a child or kick a dog!

Makes you “feel at home” -  My gorgeous (adult) children 

Is your favourite person  - Terry, my best beloved, warts and all!


What's the most delicious food you've ever eaten in your life? The PERFECT caramel Custard Pud that my good friend Yohani makes, EVERYTIME she makes it!
Margarine or butter? Which did you grow up with? Oh butter for sure!
Longest plane ride you've ever been on? The flight that got incorrigibly delayed, just before we were due to reach our destination to make an important family event. 
Do you eat enough vegetables? I try hard. And fail.  
Do you like horror movies?  Poltergeist kind of stuff. Now that’s clever and scary! 


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