Julian Simonsz

Dec 16 2015.

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Full Name - Julian Simonsz 
Hometown - Melbourne 
Status - Married 
Birthday - 30th October 
Idols - Michael Jackson, Michael Jordan, Curtley Ambrose 
Passions - Music! Business, sports and cars. 
Favourite Colour - Purple 

It's been nearly two years since the BIG day on The Voice stage. How has life been? 
Amazing, exciting and busy! It definitely turned my life around, and I have had so many doors open up and I’ve had a chance to take my music to places I never would have been able to. In a few months I’ll be doing my first and biggest international show to date - in Lanka. Being able to take my music overseas for me is such an accomplishment and I feel like I have achieved so much since The Voice. It's been a tough road too and a steep learning curve but overall I’ve enjoyed it so much and I couldn’t be more grateful. 
Would you say that your wife is the lucky charm in your life? 
To be honest I don't necessarily believe in lucky charms. But now that you’ve asked that question.. the more I think about it my wife has been there every step of the way so she probably is! I do believe that her presence has impacted everything that I have done which to me means she’s been more than my lucky charm but my rock. 
What have you planned for 2016? 
Well I’ll be starting off the year with the most exciting thing which is my One Night Only live show in Sri Lanka on February 27th. This is going to be a huge show and I’m bringing my band from Australia so I’m really pumped about that. I’ve already got a few gigs lined up here in Australia and abroad too with my band - The Julian Simonsz Band, and with a few additional instruments which is going to be awesome. The band is really coming together and getting out there so looking forward to a big year with them next year. I’m also really planning on building up my own businesses outside of music and get them to a place I’m happy with, I like having that side to look forward to as well. 
What song typifies the last 24 hours of your life? 
"I See Fire"! I went to the Ed Sheeran concert last night and he performed my favourite song which is "I See Fire". It was so amazing to see him live, he packed out one of the biggest stadiums and the whole show was just him and the guitar and it was mindblowing. And I just can't get that song out of my head. 
How has married life treated you? 
The best thing ever! Marrying my best friend has been the best. Being married I feel has made us grow even closer and has given us more direction. For me, being married I feel like we can really be part of both of our dreams and dream together. It’s amazing to be a part of somebody else's life goals just as much as they are a part of yours. 
Who made you fall in love with music? 
Definitely my family. We’ve always had a very musical family and my grandparents even met through music. Our childhood parties always had big jams and lots of singing so music was just ingrained in us. It took me a while to be confident enough to sing alone in front of a crowd but the love for music was always there. 
What would you say is the biggest challenge in this industry? 
Finding the right people. Especially finding the right people to take a song to a large scale. Social media and YouTube is amazing but having the right person hear it at the right time is the hard part, especially to push your music to be heard by the masses and push music internationally is definitely the hardest thing. 
Tell me about your new single. 
Get Home To You was out of my comfort zone! Initially it was something I wrote about to describe how everyone gets caught up in their day to day work and just can't wait to get home to their loved one. I’ve always done emotional love songs, and since I wanted to base my EP around the themes of love, this song is about that too but it ended up being the sexy love song! I had to push my boundaries with the style of singing and I was a bit uncomfortable with that at the start. But once I started trying to emote the lyrics and feel what the lyrics were saying it came naturally, and it’s actually my favourite original to perform now. 
Your thoughts on Sri Lanka? 
Best country ever! I have a connection with Sri Lanka, and it’s my home country and my heritage. To know that there are people who love my music from the country I originated from I feel so lucky, feels like I have a huge family there backing me up. Honestly, when I’m in Sri Lanka I feel like everyone is my family! And in the past two years travelling around there has really shown me what an amazing country it is. There is just so much to do and see, and the food! 
How and where do you find inspiration? 
So far my inspiration is derived from my own life experiences. That’s how I’m able to capture my true emotion. There are a lot of people who inspire my and their stories inspire me, but for my writing my inspiration comes from my own memories and experiences. 
What values are you committed to? 
I was always bought up by my mother to always be kind, be honest, and always think about others before I think about myself. She always taught us to treat people the way you want to be treated. These are all very important things as an individual. When you can put a smile on someone’s face it feels good inside. I try to do that with my music too, those values I try to express in my lyrics as well. I try to be myself in my music. 
Tell me about your family. 
I was brought up in Melbourne with my parents and my sister Jessica who’s six years younger than me. I have a very close family, even an extended family, so it’s very important to me. It’s something that I want to continue with my family when I eventually have my own. 
What dreams and goals inspired you to succeed? 
I feel that dreams are always dreams unless you try to fulfil them. For me at that point in time  when I succeeded on the show I felt like everything was falling in to place, I had finished my Bachelor of Sound Production in SAE Institute which improved my production skills. My dream was always to become an artist, I wanted to push myself and thought I’d give a show like this a chance, at the same time I was getting married so I felt like everything was falling in to place. I felt like the stars aligned and it was the right time to take on such a big show like that and luckily for me it worked! For me that was really just the start of the success, now it’s the hard part! So my goals and my new dreams are what will keep me pushing for the rest now. 

For Fun 
Game of Thrones or Glee? 
Neither really but if I had to pick, it would be Game of Thrones. 
America’s Got Talent or American Idol? 
American Idol! 
Pringles or Lays? 
Coke or Pepsi? 
Black Coffee or with cream and sugar? 
What about black coffee and cream and sugar? 
Matching or mismatched socks? 
The Simpsons or Family Guy? 
The Simpsons. 
Skydiving or bungee jumping? 

In The Spot 
Your thoughts about the music industry in Sri Lanka? 
The music industry in Lanka has embraced me as an artist so I’m so grateful. I’ve been so lucky to have met some amazing people and artists in the industry and everyone is so open and ready to give advice it’s really humbling. So far coming to Sri Lanka and meeting industry professionals has been such an eye opener, and it’s because of them I can even think of coming back in February. Aside from that I’ve learnt how it’s such a booming industry and I’m so proud of it. Even the event industry and the calibre of shows there is pretty incredible. I didn’t really expect it until my recent and first real music related visited, pretty exciting things happening there! 
Your favourite artist, whom you met in Sri Lanka? 
BnS! Everything about those guys is amazing. They’re not only talented singers, producers and musicians but they're the most inspirational entrepreneurs and more than anything the kindest and most humble people I’ve met. 
Do you like being compared to JT always? 
Well, yes and no! It’s definitely an honour to be compared to someone of that calibre, I mean that’s incredible and I’d never complain about that! But I also never intended on coming out as an artist being compared to somebody or being in someone’s shadow, in the end I want to be known for who I am as an artist. So while it’s definitely a compliment, I’d love to evolve as my own artist, I want to be a known artist as Julian Simonsz. 
The new government in Sri Lanka? 
To be honest I stay far away from politics. It’s never really been my thing. 
PM of Sri Lanka? 
Sorry, I’m not sure. I could just Google it but I’ll be honest! 

Personal Space 
How is Christmas at home? 
Christmas is always a massive deal for us. The whole extended family meet up every year at one of the families house and we always celebrate together. We always give small presents to every single person so the Christmas tree is literally full of hundreds of small gifts! We started that tradition when we were kids and it’s just stuck. It’s always such a great time of year and there’s always a lot of food too! 
What is your favourite salty snack? 
Chips (Tiptips are my Sri Lankan favourite). 
What song do you love to dance to? 
Actually I don't have that one particular song that I love to dance to, I really love dancing to anything that’s upbeat and catchy. 
What is the funniest thing you have heard a child say? 
I love that YouTube video where the kid says… “I love Chipotle..Chipotle is my life”. Love it! 
In what way are your parents out of date? 
Well my dad doesn’t use a mobile phone! 
What single piece of technology makes your life easier? 
My phone. I run my business off it too so it’s crucial for me. 
What was the first concert you went to see? 
Usher 8701.


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