Jonathan & Ryan

Aug 06 2014.

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Full names : Jonathan Wijayaratne | Ryan Wijayaratne

Hometown(s) : We’ve been fortunate enough to have lived in different cities so Colombo, Sydney and New York are all home.

Status : Single

Birthday : J: 18/02/89, R: 02/07/90

School : We went to middle school in Sydney and finished high school at Stafford International School. J: Higher education at Macquarie University. R: Studied Acting at the New York Film Academy.

Passions : We are working towards running our own businesses incorporating all our interests, namely photography, film, design, art, fashion, food… the list keeps growing.

J: Drawing and the culinary arts.

R: Acting and the visual arts.

Favourite Colour :

J: I’ve never had one answer to that question.
R: As of right now, black.

Favourite Cartoon : J: Hey Arnold! R: Bob’s Burgers


Have you always wanted to be in this industry?
Photography has always been a part of our lives, given our family history. We’re excited about taking Jonathans, which turns 90 this year, to its century and beyond.

What do you think about the standard in Sri Lanka?
With high quality digital cameras being so easily accessible, the number of people taking up photography in the country has multiplied exponentially. It’s a very competitive industry these days and that’s only going to drive the standard higher and higher.

What makes someone a good photographer?
J: Our parents have taught us the importance of the basics - understanding light and the camera and always practising.

R: That combined with an understanding of knowing what you’re shooting or developing your “vision” should get you there.

What’s the #1 most played song on your iPod?
We haven’t used an iPod in ages. But the #1 song lately is (J) In The Hot Rays by The Fleet Foxes (R) Scale It Back by Little Dragon

What is one of the things you would put on your “bucket” list?
J: Backpacking through India.  
R: Treasure hunting with a dear friend Victor Ochoa. He’s convinced there’s a massive chunk of gold that was misplaced in the desert in Australia. I’d like to make a documentary out of the mission.

Who is your favourite super hero and why?

J: Thor. YouTube Thor “Another”.
R: Iron Man because of Robert Downey Jr.

Who do you admire the most?
J: Anyone chasing impossible dreams against the odds.
R: Almost all my family and friends for the various different things they do and have achieved. It’s difficult to name one person.

How has it been working with Lite87 Miss Universe Sri Lanka 2014?
It’s been a busy but super fun experience. There’s been a lot of late nights making sure photos have gotten in on time but it’s been awesome working with everyone involved in producing this year’s pageant. Also, the girls have been really sweet!



If you could shoot someone’s portfolio (person or company), who would you pick... and why?

J: I’d like to document the lives of people in different parts of the world.
R: I’d go on tour with my friends gypsy/folky/fusion band through South America. Their music is amazing and they put on a great show.

If you could win any award what would it be, why?

J: I’m stumped. But I guess I’d be happy with a World’s Greatest Dad mug one day.
R: What he said and maybe some acting award. Or an award for achievement in beard growing. You’re never going to interview us again, are you?

If you woke up one day looking like me, you will..?

J: Buy a new GHD

R: Oh no.


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