Jehan Ratnatunga

Jan 15 2013.

views 4764

Sometimes you wait for the right time to say something and you get interrupted. Now that happens to a lot of us, well it has happened to me many times, so as a remedy you can start your own you-tube channel just like this guy, get popular and get on my column.. lol!! smiley
Getting back to my feature today, I have a star who has made the Sri Lankan life style so sexy! This 28 year old, is from Melbourne, Australia, but his roots are completely Sri Lankan. 
In Australia he studied Robotics Engineering and Computer Science at the Melbourne University. And today he is a part of YouTube in Los Angeles. 
With all his success, he is still a Lankan boy who has made the world see what makes Sri Lanaka so unique! 
Today this multitalented man speaks about life, inspiration and his sought after videos! 

Full name- Jehan Ratnatunga
Hometown- Melbourne Australia – but now I live in LA.
Status- ONLINE!
Birthday- March 23 
Idols- Michael Jackson, and Uncle Johnson
Passions- YouTube, Comedy, Hoppers
Favourite Colour- The colour of Chicken Buriyani.
Favourite Cartoon- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

How is to work for YouTube? 
Amazing! It’s the most fast paced place I’ve ever worked at – and I love it. I really think it’s a huge part of the future of video – and I feel lucky to be involved in some small way.
Would you one day come to settle down in Sri Lanka? 
How popular do you think you are?   
Z List Sri-lebrity. I got into Kama once because of my YouTube videos. Does that count? It wasn’t very busy that night though.
Apple I-yo, what was your inspiration? 
Yes, came out of a discussion with a friend about the new iPad and how we were disappointed. We kept saying “Aiyo!” there are no new features! And suddenly “I-Yo” was born – iPhone, iPad, iYo! I now have a mission on brining the phrase I-Yo to the world!
Your personal favourite video so far? 
Either the Arranged Marriage song or Shit Sri Lankan Mothers Say! (I assume you mean my own videos! If not – then Michael Jackson Remember The Time!)
How were you as a kid? 
I was a math geek and a computer nerd (actually I still am!). Joked around at home, but quiet at school. Things changed when I started University and when I got a video camera from my father in 1997.
Is there such a thing as perfect? 
Have you not seen the 1996 World Cup?
What does it mean to be human? 
That’s deep – and I wish I had the answer. But I think having a sense of humour is something uniquely human!
Are you happy with yourself? 
Can’t complain at all! Yes – I’m very fortunate! I have my parents to thank for everything. 
Tell me a little bit about your family, and what they say about your channel? 
They love it and have always been very supportive over the years. My father bought me all the early video equipment; my mother always helped with costumes and ideas, my sister was acting and cameraman when I was acting!
What did you learn recently that changed the way you live? 
Working at Google has changed the way I Live. It’s a place full of inspirational people that encourage you to think on a big scale. 
What is the nicest thing someone has ever done for you? 
I really appreciate all the friends and family I have that get involved in my videos – especially in the early days. When I think about it, it’s a really nice thing for them to do – I mean it’s time consuming, and tiring, but they always help me out and I’m really grateful for it. 
Would you try acting in a Sri Lankan film? 
Maybe! But I haven’t thought about it seriously! Could be a lot of fun – but I can’t speak any language except English.  Maybe I could just do reaction shots and facial expressions? 
What last made you laugh? 
This hilarious clip on YouTube called “Ghost Tits” – the channel is hilarious  - it’s the“Above Average Network”. I highly recommend it! Do try it!


If you could invite 5 famous people to your party, who would they be?
Michael Jackson
Sanath Jayasuria
Kumar Sangakkara
Uncle Johnson
If you could go back to any decade, what decade would that be? 
The 60s! Elvis and the Beatles! That sounds awesome. I mean the birth of pop music, music videos, and just the idea of entertainment for a younger generation – amazing.
If happiness was the national currency, what kind of work would make you rich? 
Hmmm... Comedy, Charity, Teaching... and Cooking!
If you had all the money in the world but still had to have some kind of job, what would you choose to do? 
I’d pretty much copy Bill Gates and set up some sort of amazing accelerator foundation. 
If you were at heaven’s gates, and God asked you “Why should I let you in?”, what would you say? 
I brought some Love Cake.
If the queen of England asks you to do a performance, what would you pick as your best one to perform?
JOHN BALA – INDIAN POLICEMAN rapping about arranged the Queen. Haha. It makes no sense!
If you had to teach something, what would you teach? 
How more Sri Lankans can make YouTube videos!


In the Spot
Your favourite Sri Lankan Cricketer? Sanga!
Kumar Sangakkara or Mahela Jayawardene, the better captain? Sanga!


Just for Fun –
Peanut or plain? PEANUT
Listener or talker? Listener
What will you never do? VIMEO!
Best dessert you have ever had? Chocolate Gateaux. Or Iced Milo after having Cheese Kotthu at about 5am.
What magazine(s) do you subscribe to? Focus, Time and Engadget!
Coffee or Tea? Coffee in the AM, Tea in the PM
What is your favuorite candy? Love Cake. Kisses?
What scares you the most? Being Offline for more than two hours.


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