Frederick-James Koch

Mar 13 2013.

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Full name - Frederick-James Koch Hometown - Sandy Point, NSW 
Status - Single
Birthday - 8/6/1980 
School – East Hills Boys Technology High School 
Idols - Marlon Brando, Gary Oldman, Hugh Jackman, Daniel day Lewis, Leonardo Dicaprio, Michael Jackson, Joel Edgerton. 
Passions - Dancing, Singing, Acting. 
Favourite Colour - Red 
Favourite Cartoon - The mysterious lost cities of gold.


Tell me about your new film, and a little bit about your character? 
The premise to the film A Common Man will resonate strongly with a lot of viewers in regards to violence and how they are powerless to the nature of terrorism. The character that I play in this film, Ranjan is the guy they send in when the job needs to be done at any cost. So many times he's endangering the innocence that he fights so desperately to protect but with a focus on the greater good he constantly puts himself in harm’s way. It's very dangerous line to walk and that's what really first captivated me about the character. Having to do pretty much all of my own stunts was a constant reminder of the stakes in the story and at times I would admit I was actually scared. I remember hammering through the streets of Pettah around 100kph while it was raining, on the motorcycle without as much as a helmet...

What are you currently working on? 
I'm currently working on a love story about a Sri Lankan refugee that comes to Australia to be with his childhood sweetheart. But he must sacrifice everything for the chance of love.
What made you enter the Art Industry? 
After getting the respectable and challenging job that every Sri Lankan parent would be proud of, I could see the rest of my life ahead of me. I'm sure I'd have a beautiful wife, kids and a picket fence by now if I stayed... As they say the only thing that stops you from having a great life is being scared to lose a good one. It doesn't have to be that dramatic but I think on some level you have to have something you love in your life.
Who supports you the most? 
My dad’s always there to give me advice but from the start my mum always supported my dreams. I think she came to see me play Romeo 3 three times in a weekend.
What’s the most challenging part about being in front of the camera? 
Probably when you lose yourself in the character. That part is fantastic and in fact is probably whatever actor/director yearns for, but when they expect you to do the same thing for take 2, it can be a nightmare.
How do you handle stress? 
Not well, lol. Actually whenever I have time to take a breath I step back from my work and realise it doesn't define me. I think that's what really stresses me out. But the older I get, I'm learning that any form that you take up doesn't define you, it's merely an expression of you at the time. I remember one of my teachers at school told me "don't feel obliged it’s totally up to you, but if you want to have fun you’re totally allowed to". So whenever I can, I dance, I sing etc.
How were you in school? 
I used to get picked on a lot. I was a bit of dreamer in a school full of kids that had already decided what they wanted to do by the age of 12. 
Someone you miss the most from childhood? 
I'm still living my childhood now... And I'm always missing everyone.
Are you usually late, early or right on time for your shoot? 
I'm probably the guy sitting in the car lot, writing a new script while waiting for the studio to open. I don't waste my time, and I hate it when people waste mine. I'm doing something that I'm infatuated with, and not everyone is blessed with such opportunities to pursue their dreams, so naturally I want to take as much advantage with the time that I have as I can. I'm here for a good time not a long one.
What has been the best decision you ever made? 
To quit acting... It made me realise that you can't quit something that you’re in love with, you can only avoid it. 
What song best fits your image and why? 
Sweet disposition - the temper trap.


“I just met a nice Sri Lankan girl". 
The amount of times I've heard that from my parents... Mum, dad, I can't help it if they're all married. 
If you had to explain about the birds and the bees to a child, let me hear how you’d go about explaining it to them? 
If it was my girl I wouldn't teach her till she was 20. My son, I'd probablyteach him young when he's still in the ‘girls have germs’ stage.
If you wake up one day looking like your dad… you will?
Hahaha it happens whenever I don't shave so it’s not that scary. People say he's a good looking guy, so if they say I look like him... I have zero problems with that.
If a movie was made of your life what genre would it be, who would play you? 
Definitely sci-fi...hahaha. maybe horror. 
I'd probably get Will Farrell to play me...we don't look alike but he definitely gets the awkward perfect.
If the world froze for an afternoon and only you could move and no one could see you or remember what you did, what would you do? 
Probably nothing good (cheeky grin).
If you could get yourself anything, what would you get? 
A pet lion. Definitely. 
If you could choose your nickname what would it be? 
I think I asked everybody at one stage to call me Friday-James I figured I'd be synonymous with good times, parties and shenanigans. I think it lasted half a Friday.
If you could teleport where would you go, why? 
To the moon, it'll be a hell of a view.


Would you consider your father (Alston Koch) a competition? 
If it was a race he's probably already won it. I can only hope to be half as successful as the man. That said I would like to make him proud.


Do you think you could punch someone and knock them off their senses? 
No comment (cheeky grin)
Who is your favourite super hero and why? 
Probably Spider-Man the fact he's just a normal guy is what's amazing about him. It's not his powers that make him that way, it's because of who he is.
Who do you admire the most? 
Probably Leonardo (the ninja turtle) he's a hard worker.
What is your dream job? 
The same one I have now, just working with a couple of the idols I talked about before.
Are you a morning or a night person? 
Defiantly a night person. 
What is your favourite hobby? 
What is one thing that annoys you the most? 
When people make assumptions.
What is the strangest thing you’ve ever eaten? 
Fried crickets.


  1. Peter Casie Chetty says:

    Alston had the makings of greatness as a young boy... his son has now shown thet he has Ally's genes. I cannot wait to see the film.
    Great stuff - Father and Son.

  2. Jean Payne says:

    I too, am a born Sri-lLankan now live in the USA my friend from Australia send me some E-mails about Sri Lanka, Yes I am proud of you, and all your doings, Thank you, Jean

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