May 01 2014.
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Full name – Priyadharshan Ramasamy (better known as ‘Dharshan’)
Hometown – Kandy
Status – Single
Birthday – 5th of March, 1982
Idols – Dwayne Johnson, Scott Adkins, Beto Perez
Passions – Martial Arts, Fitness, Dancing, Cooking, Gardening
Favourite Colour – Light Blue and Black
Favourite Cartoon – Tom & Jerry
How were you as a kid? Naughty as HELL!!! My teachers will tell you!!!
How do you keep fit? Workout everyday with a properly controlled diet.
What is the best part of being a Zumba Instructor? Being the first Sri Lankan to introduce ZUMBA to Sri Lanka!! It is such a fun way to exercise with a heap of dance styles, dance moves and various choreographies. We are a part of an internationally growing instructor network that keeps us up-to-date with the latest fitness routines. It’s amazing!
What do you think about the Buzz with Danu? It’s pretty cool... Quite an insight you’re looking for, huh??!! Come back for ZUUUUUUUMBA, DANU!!!
What would you say is your biggest challenge in your job? With the growth in obesity among many nowadays, the biggest challenge is to keep them motivated enough to continue on their journey to get back into shape and to keep them happy while working out, unlike other fitness programmes which are usually stressful.
Do you believe in keeping in touch with friends? YES!! Friends are a HUGE part of my life!!
Tell me a little bit about your Family? I have an elder sister (Dharshani) and an elder brother (Sudharshan), [both married with children, which makes me an uncle], which makes me the youngest in the family, so naturally the ‘spoilt’ one!! My dad (Ramasamy) lives in Kandy and my mother (Lakshmi) passed away 12 years ago.
What are your nicknames? ‘HAVA’, Energizer Bunny, ‘Kapichcha Kiri Panuwa’
Favourite hangout? JAVA Lounge, Colombo 07
What are some of the first things you do in the morning? Exercise, water my flower garden, wash up, make breakfast and off to ZUMBA!!
If someone asked you to give him/her a random piece of advice, what would you say?
Flow like the river... You’ll get there soon enough!
If you had to choose the most valuable thing you ever learned what would it be?
Don’t cheat on others!
If you had to describe yourself as a flavour, how would you?
In the Spot
Kevin / Anushan - your favourite on the dance floor?
Five Things That Make you Smile
1. EVERYTHING!! LOL... I’m ALWAYS SMILING... You would have noticed, Danu!!
Fun questions
Who are some people you’d like to meet someday?
The MAMBO KING - Eddie Torres
What’s a favourite habit?
Biting nails!!
What are some things that make you really happy?
Dancing Salsa, doing push-ups
Do you like to plan things out in detail or be spontaneous?
Be spontaneous!! It’s not like I have a choice... I can never plan things!! LOL
Are you a religious person?