Darshan Weerasinghe

Mar 05 2013.

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Full Name – Darshan Eraj Weerasinghe
Hometown- Colombo
Status- Single
Idols- Vladimir Putin
Passions- I’m an avid reader, work hard on my fitness, watch action/thriller movies and follow current affairs/world events very closely.
Favourite Colour- Blue
Favourite Cartoon - Tin Tin
What made you a fitness expert? 
I tried many sports in school but had no athletic ability to excel, so I joined the gym because you only compete with yourself and I loved it. Then I read up everything I could get my hands on and soon my friends were asking me for fitness advice. This led to my first job at Power World fitness center and later I got my formal qualifications by getting a Sports Science degree in South Africa.
How is it to work for the cricket board? 
I consider it a great honour to serve my country. It’s an amazing experience to rub shoulders with some of the top cricketers in the world. I have to pinch myself sometimes! Inside I’m still the wide eyed boy who saw the team win the World Cup all those years ago in 96.
Heard you got a promotion.. what is it? 
After many years with the u19 and “A” side I got an opportunity to train the National Side.
What is one thing that annoys you the most?
The amount of paperwork I have to do….I like the physical aspect but writing reports and admin work I dislike but it’s a necessary evil.
How is to work with Sanath? 
Extremely challenging! He expects a lot out of you and is very demanding but that’s what’s needed to drive our cricket to the top.
How different is it to be a fitness expert to a cricketer than a normal person?
The biggest difference is motivation. When you train athletes they are naturally motivated. With regular people there are no deadline or fitness standards to meet. But don’t get me wrong, some regular people train harder and have better physiques than athletes. It all comes down to how badly you want to improve.
What is the first thing you do when you start a session? 
Do a thorough warm up and then explain the goals of the session very clearly…be it strength building, power or speed development.
3 things you cannot live without?
My Playstation 3!
With your dad in music, didn’t you want to give that a try?
I did! Discovered I had no talent for it. Once sang at a talent show in school and the ‘boos’ from the crowd told me early on that this wasn’t my forte!
If you had to pick a colour to change the sky, you will pick?
Purple…it’s from a sci fi movie I saw.
If you had to migrate tomorrow, where would you like to move?
New York City….action packed cosmopolitan city.
If you wake up one day looking like your dad.. you will?
Go and sing and serenade all the ladies! And immediately start a weight loss programme!
If you could trade lives with anyone for a day who would it be and why?
Larry King, I would love to meet all the famous people he met.
If you talked in your sleep what would you say?
I would just give thanks for all I have…wonderful family and friends, good career and good health. Too many people take these things for granted.
In the Spot
Sanath, Kumar, Mahela - Your personal favoirite cricketer?
Wasim Akram is actually my all-time fave.
Your personal opinion about “Women’s Cricket”?
I believe women are equal or even superior to men in some respects. Anything men can do, women can do as well!
Angelo, Kumar, Mahela, Dilshan - Who would you pick as a captain, if you were given the opportunity?
Definitely Dilshan with his famous Dilscoop.
“Cricketer’s wife” - Describe in one word?
Top 5 fitness tips from you
1. Everyone should weight train regardless of age or gender - women and older people have the most to gain.
2. Set small goals for improvement every month.
3.Cut out as much sugar and white starch as possible and focus on fresh fruit and vegetables if fat loss is your goal.
4. Take cod liver oil and fish oil supplements, they are very beneficial for good health.
5 Get a good training partner to exercise with to motivate you and hold you accountable
Just for Fun 
What is the most interesting thing you have in your purse/wallet?
A Zimbabwean currency note of 5 million dollars!
What is the meanest thing you’ve ever said to someone?
When a very overweight lady stepped on a scale at the gym where I worked at long ago, I said “Sorry Madam, that doesn’t weigh in tons!” But she was a friend and had a sense of humour so I lived to tell the tale!
What product would you refuse to promote?
Anything related to tobacco or nicotine.
What is your favourite song?
Anything from Nickelback or Coldplay.
What advice did you get that was the most rewarding?
It was from popular self-development guru Robin Sharma who said “devote an hour a day to personal development”. It really paid off for me.
What is your least favourite type of music?
What celebrity annoys you the most?
Britney Spears with that squeaky voice.


  1. Dilshan says:

    Great man !! he had admitted the fact that he could not excel in areas which the society believes as awesome yet he found which thrills him and of course to serve the country. Respect.

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