Avanti Marianne Page

Aug 20 2014.

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If you could, who would you pick as Miss Universe Sri Lanka from the TOP 4? Tamara

If you could buy any type of food what would you buy? Macaroons

If you could be any animal what would it be and why? I would like to say lion.  Because lions like me seem to be independent and logical thinkers who are also leaders.

If a movie was made of your life what genre would it be, who would play you? Adventure. Because it would be about a person who journeys to epic or distant places to accomplish something. Audrey Hepburn.

If you could change something about yourself, what would it be & why? I am happy as I am.

If you had to move to a state besides the one you currently live in, where would you move? Hopefully I wouldn’t have to as Sri Lanka is home, but if so New South Wales, Australia


How were you as a kid? Quiet and obedient

How does it feel to be the winner of Lite87 Miss Universe Sri Lanka 2014?

Ecstatic. It gives me great pride to be given the opportunity to represent my country.


What is one of the things you would put on your “bucket” list?

See the Northern Lights. It has fascinated travellers for generations.


What is your dream job? And tell me about your new fashion career?

If America’s Next Top Model, Project Runway and Victoria Beckham have taught me anything it’s that I want to become a fashion designer.  
I have always wanted to start up my own boutique with my designs to try and cater to women of all ages and sizes.


How is to be the brand ambassador for Lite87?

It is an honour and I will do my best to make them proud of me.


Whose wardrobe would you most like to possess and why?

Blake Lively. She commands attention with her fashion forward style wherever she goes. She stands out from the crowd.


What last made you laugh?

Watching my mother laugh really hard as it’s a rare occasion where she finds things really funny!!!


What is your perception of how people see you?

By taking part in this pageant, people would have changed their perceptions of me, however I believe I should travel on roads that I am passionate about with conviction, commitment and perseverance.


Just For Fun

What is your eye colour? Brown

What is your best physical feature? Eyes

Have you ever told someone that you loved them? Yes

Ocean or pool? Pool

What do you do most when you’re bored? Read and watch TV series

Would you be president if you could? Well, politics does not really interest me but I am concerned about the welfare of our citizens.

Do you get enough exercise?  Does anyone?

Do you believe in hell? Yes

Orange juice or apple juice? Orange juice (fresh only)

One best friend or many good friends? Many good friends

Gym or music?
Music at gym

In the Spot

Do you consider yourself beautiful enough to win the international title? I believe I am privileged to have been selected to represent my country and I will bring out the innermost qualities of being beautiful, not just the physical aspects to being beautiful.

Who is your all-time favourite Miss Sri Lanka? Nushara

You would like to be remembered as a good - girl, daughter, friend, Sri Lankan or beauty queen?  I would like to be remembered for who I am, from a girl to a Sri Lankan.

What would you tell the President of Sri Lanka if you meet him in person? My wish for this country would be to maintain peace and unity and to eradicate poverty.


  1. TONY OF SYDNEY says:

    Hi Avanti, You have made a good decission. Sydney NSW Australia is the best city to live in. I have been in Aussie for the last 30 years and having raised two young men of 22 and 18 I believe its the best place to be in the world. Good choice if you ever come over please do keep in touch me and my wife will be happy to assist. Born in Sri Lanka, I now see the difference in living in Aussie. Believe me you will never never regreat your stay in Beautiful Aussie. God Bless and take care.

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