Buzz with Danu - Equality

Mar 09 2022.

views 593

Today on the Buzz I speak to a few strong women on what equality means to them. Equality, in my opinion, is understanding the capacity when given the opportunity. These ladies have given some powerful messages and I can’t wait for you to read them.

Kavindya Thennakoon

Gender equality for me is when every individual is able to realize their potential, access opportunities, and live their everyday lives without facing an imbalance in power.

Rajini Sulochana Segera

Equal access to the basic needs of a human despite gender. Incorporate aspects of equal opportunities and perks for men and women. In society aspect common grounds and respect for men and women.


Vidhya Kandeban

I basically see it as all genders being treated the same. Not a case of one gender having a privilege over another, be it in daily lives, workspace, etc. Where emotions are also treated with respect. Where dreams and aspirations don’t have to be bottled up owing to social norms. Where responsibilities are shared equally and willingly, And to have a world where one gender is no lesser than the other in the eyes of a child. And for that to be taken into the future


Selyna Peiris

When women and men have the equal strength and choice to take the opportunities presented to them


Dr. Shanika Arsakularathne

Gender equality is when both males and females are given the same opportunities and respect without taking into consideration “how can she do it with a baby?” “She’s emotional can she make a good decision?”


Araliya Thevapalan

Gender equality is having the liberty to choose & having the access to equal opportunities


Sharon Mascarenhas

I believe that Gender Equality is about harvesting the power of balance when we don't treat people differently or discriminate against them based on their gender; a world where women and men work together for the betterment of humanity.


Shanuki de Alwis

Gender equality is not tokenistic granting of privileges, nor is it only about women. It’s true and universal access to all rights without question: equal pay, choice and agency, healthcare, sexual rights, opportunity, equal representation in all spheres, and social dignity free of marginalization and discrimination. For ALL genders - women, men, and others.


Anuki Premachandra

Where anyone has the opportunity to thrive, despite gender.

Vraîe Cally Balthazaar 

Gender equality is giving people the same opportunities and access irrespective of gender. However, equity is vital in making this happen — because this will ensure that no one is left behind. What this means, is not just saying everyone has opportunities but also understanding that in order for people to make use of these opportunities, some may need additional resources and support.




Danu Innasithamby

Danu is a Jaffna Boy with a Marketing qualification (only because he needed to study, and not because he wanted it). He has been a part of the team for seven years and is the face behind Buzz with Danu, and WTF.


  1. Amali Jayasekera says:

    Is this really worthy of being published? This is like a grade 2 essay. Also why are the same people being trotted out for quotes. Surely Sri Lanka has more women that some of the people featured here. With a few exceptions who have done so much the others are just boring now

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