Mar 28 2017.
views 1221As we still celebrate women for the month of March, I wanted to feature a lady who is graceful and she carries herself with style, elegance and class. As she carries a brand - the Esthèti Centre, she tells us what makes her who she is on the Buzz today!
Full Name: Soraya De Zoysa
Hometown: Colombo
Status: Married
Birthday: 24th September, 1977
Passions: Helping underprivilledged children
Favourite Colour: Green
What made you get into skincare?
By chance, really. My mother worked in another company within the group and my predecessor at the time was looking for someone to understudy her. I fell in love with the work and have never looked back since.
Tell me about the Esthèti Centre, and what’s the most popular treatment that is offered there?
The Esthèti Centre was created to set a benchmark in the industry and also to introduce Sri Lanka to the latest beauty trends. The most popular treatment at the moment is the Cryo Fat Reduction. This basically freezes your fat cells which results in cell death. Your body goes on to naturally eliminates the dead fat cells.
How is it working with high end brands?
Working with high end brands is challenging in price sensitive markets like Sri Lanka. However, it's great to work with reputed, professional brands as it not only gives you and your customers a sense of security but also we are always kept upto date with the latest innovations in cosmetic science.
How hard is it in the market?
Our brands have a high demand, however, we are selective with who we work with as Sothys salons need to reflect the brand's image and professionalism. Unfortunately, the beauty market in Sri Lanka is a little backward in these areas and it has been quite challenging to make the market understand the importance of good infrastructure, ambiance and professionalism.
Not everyone finds it important to give priority to looking good. What is the reason in your opinion?
I guess everyone has their own priorities in life, and given their circumstances, it may not be important to them. I am sure life would be so much simpler if we were content. Although looking good does not necessarily need to be a priority, I do feel that taking pride in yourself is important. In today's world, one's image plays a great role in how we are perceived by society. It is not ideal but a hard fact.
What would you say is important - looking or feeling good?
Most people feel good when they look good, but I think feeling good is definitely the more important one. Finding that inner peace and contentment has no comparison, and looking good is just one criteria that may or may not help you get there.
How do you balance work and family life?
With a lot of help. I am very fortunate to have a lot of family support. It would have been impossible without. Also I don’t take my work home and I know when to cut off.
What would you say is your beauty secret?
I don’t have any secrets when it comes to beauty, if that happened I would be out of a job, however I have always had to battle with problem skin and what helped me the most was Sesderma. I still get an occasional spot but I feel I have come a long way.
What does a perfect day look like to you?
Waking up in Trinco!
On the Spot?
What were your thoughts on beauty culture in Sri Lanka?
Needs to focus more on education and professionalism.
In your opinion, what should one keep in mind before making an appointment at a salon?
The experience of your therapist, and quality of products and hygiene.
What are your thoughts on Colombo society?
Hey, are you trying to get me in trouble?
Who is your all time favourite Sri Lankan personality?
A very controversial personality comes to mind, whose name I will not mention. But I think we owe him a great deal as a nation.
Who is a better cook - your mother or you?
Definitely my mother, she can cook up a feast out of nothing. However, I think I beat her hands down in the dessert department!
What piece of technology brings you the most joy?
Permanent hair reduction. I never need to wax again!
What do your clothes say about you?
I don’t know as they have not spoken to me recently. Haha, sorry, that was me trying to be funny! I would like my clothes to say that I am confident and elegant.
What was your favourite '80s movie?
“V”, the alien movie. I cried when it was over, and Robin Hood, only because I had such a huge crush on him!
How many states have you lived in?
Just Colombo.
What did you want to be when you grew up?
When I was a kid, I thought it would be nice to be a famous singer or movie star. Had no idea what I wanted to be when I grew up.
Do you like pranks?
What’s your favourite thing to do outdoors?
Mid morning swimming in the ocean on a hot day.