Buzz!!!! With Danu - Shanika Arsecularatne

May 23 2017.

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Today on the Buzz, I have a stunning personality who is beautiful inside and out. I met her once when I went for a client meeting and then she happened to be a mutual friend of a friend and it has been great to know her. Qualified at the American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine, she is the leading personality who has been bringing back the self confidence which many have lost, it may be for skin, weight or even post pregnancy, and her empathetic quality makes everyone very confortable around her. A true fashionista and lover of travel, Dr. Shanika speaks on Buzz today. 

Full Name - Shanika Christine Arsecularatne 

Hometown - Colombo 

Status - Married 

Birthday - August 29, 1987 

Passions - Reading, music, exploring the beauty and cultures of other countries, creating beauty 

Favourite Colour - Pink 

What made you get into medicine and specifically skincare? 

Watching my mom's work as a cosmetologist has inspired me ever since I was a child and I'm glad that I found a way to merge my passion to become a doctor and my love of beauty through cosmetic medicine. 

Who has been your biggest support in making this a reality? 

My mom and dad have definitely been my pillars of strength. And I'm lucky I have a husband who helps me in every way to make my dreams a reality. 

Would you call yourself fashionable? 

I love to dress well. 

What have you planned for this year? 

Well, apart from my 30th birthday celebrations, I'm planning to expand my clinics internationally and establishing my own foundation for a special cause. 

What would you say, is the biggest skin challenge Sri Lankans face? 

That half of the country wants to be fair and not focus on healthy glowing skin, and hyperpigmentation. 

What was one of your most defining moments in life? 

When someone who had had acid thrown on her was planning to commit suicide because of her disfigurement, told me that my work on her has given her hope and a new life. 

What does a day of work look like? 

Have breakfast with Ihan, go to the hospital or clinic and work for about 8 - 10 hours a day, have lunch with my mom, go for zumba or to the gym (I've been very lazy recently), come home, study, watch one episode of a TV series while having dinner, or meet up with friends or family. 

What has been the biggest challenge you face in this trade? 

That people sometimes value age over skill and results and not appreciating young talent. 

What would you say has been your most satisfying client experience? 

To see their happy face and restored confidence. 

How do you balance your busy life, and married life? 

I'm a workaholic. Thankfully, I've got a really supportive and understanding husband who doesn't forget to add fun and excitement into our lives on a daily basis. 


If you get to marry one fictional character, who would that be? 

Harvey Specter of Suits. 

If you didn't have to worry about money or a job, where would you live in the world? 

Sri Lanka. 

If you have just 3 words to describe yourself, what would they be? 

Ambitious, energetic, creative. 

If you were a waiter and a customer was a jerk, would you spit in their food?


If you had the power to read someone's mind, whose would it be in Sri Lanka? 

No one. I'm too busy with my own thoughts. Besides, life wouldn't be exciting if we could read minds. 

In the Spot? 

People feel that skin treatments are very expensive. Is this true? And how can one work around it? 

Well, yes, because the best and the most researched products and technology is expensive and you always want the best for yourself. Having said that, Sri Lanka offers the best treatments at a fraction of the cost charged abroad. 

What are your thoughts on the Yahapalanaya? 

Definitely less corruption. But the decision making in a combined national government takes too long and is too frustrating at times. 

What would you say is the difference between vising a salon and visiting a clinic? 

Salons are for beautifying and relaxing therapies, while clinics offer more therapeutic and medical grade therapies. 


In your mind, what are your 3 biggest weaknesses? 

Trusting people too soon, not being a fitness enthusiast, being too emotional. 

Which is better to listen to - your heart or your brain? 

Heart. That's what makes us more human. 

Do you consider yourself a religious or spiritual person? 

I walk by faith! 

Which is better: asking for permission or asking for forgiveness? 

Forgiveness. You can't always ask for permission.Do what you feel is good and right, you may make mistakes along the way, then ask for forgiveness if you are wrong. 

Are you a superstitious type of person? 


Pick one to live in: beach, city, or country? 

City! I love the busy, action packed life.


Danu Innasithamby

Danu is a Jaffna Boy with a Marketing qualification (only because he needed to study, and not because he wanted it). He has been a part of the team for seven years and is the face behind Buzz with Danu, and WTF.


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