I catch up with my fellow cast members for their take on the upcoming glam movie hit, Yaaluwoda? Yaaluida?
Cancer is a leading cause of death worldwide according to World Health Organisation statistics. While a few cases could be due to hered...
Today on the Buzz I have someone who is an inspiration in many ways - honest, real and down to earth. Sanka came into the limelight by ...
Today the Buzz I’m talking about something very special to me. When the country was crumbling and when some were being demotivated, t...
Today I was tagged on this beautiful getaway. It’s just perfect for a weekend, just to relax, chill and get your groove back. Off the...
Today on the Buzz I have the famous Pissa - Pissu Kanna who clearly made an islandwide impact during the Covid-19 wave. This ’’bran...
If you happen to see a female mixologist at a private event or a well-known bar in town, you’re most likely to taste some signature c...
Today on the Buzz I speak to a team which is really dedicated to their mission. I have seen many posts about Justice for Animals, but w...
Today I speak to Indi Yapa Abeywardena about what she is hoping to add to the runway on the 18th of November 2022. The show is set to b...
Marking her presence in rugby, which is believed to be a largely male-dominated sport, Tanuja Kulatunge is determined to inspire more w...
Today I’m sitting here in Maldives and writing about this heavenly place called Cocoon Maldives which is the first design hotel in th...
Dr. Alexandria de Lima enjoys working with horses and larger animals. Having had her primary education at Royal Institute International...
Today I speak to Chalith Hemachandra who is championing the brand Gentleman Street. They have been amazing to work with, especially on ...
The Men’s Suit embodies a few things - the attitude and the charm and the fashionable details of pants. A two-piece suit is the most ...
Today on the Buzz, I feature Kamilka who has battled her demons with Thyroid Cancer. You may ask why I’m doing a write-up on this. Th...
Women are known to be masters at multitasking but juggling between the roles of a mother, entrepreneur, marketing professional and powe...
Today on the Buzz I feature the VOICE Sri Lanka winner Harith Wijeratne, who has made headlines for his singing and for his amazing pre...
This week I was tagged by the all-new city hotel experience - Hotel Maradha. This crisp new building is conveniently situated hotel on ...
This week I took a long drive to Ridiyagama Safari Park, I’m sad I did not go on this trip then, at least the animals might have been...
One of its projects, the NextGen Girls in Technology also received the UNESCO Prize for Girls’ and Women in Education in 2020. Recent...
This week I took a trip to Nepal. I must say, it’s one of the most diverse and richly cultured countries in Asia. I only experienced ...
This week I was tagged to enjoy a High Tea menu. The concept of High Tea started as something for Royals and Aristocrats to take in the...
This tour is so important as the people of this county can WIN only by staying together and fighting with one United goal. Looking at o...
In an interview with Women at Work, Senanayake spoke about dog psychology, the do’s and don’ts when training a dog, why breeding re...
Today on the Buzz I feature someone who enjoys everything old and vintage; the older the better. I have this crazy love for antiques an...
Tourism is the only solution say the experts, looking at Sri Lanka and the economic crunch. How can we get the dollars in and how can w...
Today on the buzz I speak to George about his new book which was published yesterday, together with The Royal Thai Embassy and the Awar...
Today I was tagged on the MAQARA page - it’s a fun, happy, bright food page full of flavours. I had to go try it out myself and, oh m...
Today on the Buzz, I have an entrepreneur, leader and a true Sri Lankan - Araliya Thevapalan - who has always amazed me with the love s...