WTF: Murals at Gothami Vihara

Life Columns

Because it’s Poya today, I wanted to go to a place that calms the mind body and soul. Although the location is tucked in C

Buzz with Danu - Asoka Obeyesekere

Life Columns

Today on Buzz with Danu, I feature Asoka Obeyesekere - Executive Director Transparency International Sri Lanka who is a tall gentle gia...

That Loathsome Socialite

Life Columns

Colombo’s so-called society is built of mostly un-refined people from many ethnic backgrounds. They are unlike those who come from g...

WTF - Lick me till ice cream

Life Columns

I have no time or place when it comes to indulging in some delicious ice-cream. I heard of someone who makes ice cream at home and deli...

Valentine for Vulentines

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That special day dedicated for love is round the corner. The excitement has not built up due to the local government elections since s...

WTF - Plant lady

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One of my good friends Dima, who secretly enjoys talking to trees and plants has now put up a place where the rest of us can join in on...

The Literary week-end

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Galle was certainly a buzz last week with the excitement of the annual literary festival, an event founded in 2005 by Anglo-Australian ...

From the bat to the pan

Life Columns

Chef Charles from New York is a consultant celebrity chef for Ceylon Coconut company and the mind behind the infused coconut oil range ...

Paintography by Dillai and Dhanush

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Today I speak to two very talented artists, who are going to give you another reason why you need to drive down to Galle, let me introd...

Get your Sexy on

Life Columns

This week on WTF, we took a bold step to see what’s hidden behind the curtains at Midnight Divas. Although we Sri Lankans don’t lik...

WTF – I did not see the cat

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We chose our first food feature for 2018 and my boys Ryan and Johnny from You’re My Favorite were just going “Ga Ga” about this p...

Ridma Weerawardena

Life Columns

Today I feature a born talent and it’s high time he makes his way to the public eye. Talented Ridma is also a brilliant dancer. I got...

Meet Raven

Life Columns

Kawindi and Raven have been inseparable ever since they came into each other’s lives, and every moment spent together has been full o...

Cheers to a fabulous 2018

Life Columns

There is no happier season for people, especially for those in the city, as the merry month of December. Most of the favourite Christma...

Christmas in the Air

Life Columns

Christmas is upon us and all Christians, rich and poor, are thrilled at this time of year and celebrate the birth of Christ in the best...

Buzz!!!! With Danu - Shey and Sounds

Life Columns

I once again joined hands with these two amazing women to work on another show. The Shangri-La doors opened on Saturday to a show (Time...

WTF- Rub – a – duck

Life Columns

oday we at WTF are keeping the 1st of December in mind. Tomorrow is world HIV day and we wanted to promote the use of protection which ...

Making a difference

Life Columns

There is a great song titled “What a Difference a Day Makes,” which could easily be applied when it comes to crowds.

WTF- Seasoned by a Michelin Star

Life Columns

Today we at WTF checked out the talk of the town, Botanik by Cantaloupe & Co. It’s the hottest bistro in town, having commenced opera...

WTF-It’s been a while… BAREFOOT

Life Columns

Today on WTF, I feature some great work put up by one of our favourite places, Barefoot. It has been some time since we saw fashion at ...

Urban Jungle

Life Columns

With concrete apartments in this city, sprouting up like mushrooms during the rainy season, there is a group of Colombo’s population ...