New bestie alert! George Clooney recently introduced his wife Amal Clooney, 37, to Julia Roberts, 47, for the first time while the t...
Reality Show, a radical theatrical experience by Jehan Aloysius exposes the reality behind the roles we play in life. 29th – 3...
It is reasonable to suggest that all human relations last more than five seconds - no, the flirting might begin sooner than that. Th...
An Indian court has sentenced Bollywood star Salman Khan to five years in jail for killing a homeless man in a 2002 hit-and-run driv...
Organised by 18 interactors of the Interact Club of Royal College, the semi finals of the Inter School Drama Competition was held at...
There's almost nothing us women would like more than to dive inside the mind of a man. (At the risk of sounding stereotypical - ...
‘Stars on Parade’, a one-of-a-kind musical extravaganza by Jith Pieris in aid of the landslide victims in Nuwara Eliya w...
Everyone from megastars to fading celebs desperate to get back into the spotlight to countless others famous for being famous seem t...
Jith Peiris, one of the country’s most renowned patrons of music and theatre will bring another piece of entertainment for a g...
A mantra most women seem to religiously live by. But before you jump to any conclusions, hear us out. We are either in high school, ...
Could you imagine Miley Cyrus and Justin Bieber sharing the same hairstyle? Never say never, folks!
With the school holidays in full swing, Sulochana Dissanayake - Founder and Artistic Director of contemporary puppeteering company P...
It is that time of the year again. Finally a break from work and school to celebrate with your loved ones, give gifts and say hello ...
We get it. Being stuck at home during the Avurudu long weekend while your cousins, friends, neighbours and their cat are vacationing...
As much as we think you owe it to your partner to break up face to face, us depraved souls - albeit secretly - are totally thankful ...
Selfies - the offspring of ego and vanity artfully filtered and edited to perfection under the guise of digital exhibitionism. You m...
When it comes to reality tv, there are two types of "fans": 1) people who watch it religiously 2) people who'd rather ...
The official Josephian vehicle parade for annual Joe-Pete limited over encounter is scheduled to take place on Saturday, ...
Cameron Diaz and Benji Madden are married! The couple tied the knot Monday night at Diaz's Beverly Hills home
Well, isn't this a blast from the past?! Apparently, there's no bad blood between exes Katy Perry and John Mayer,