

An attractive, successful and independent woman gets emotionally involved with a man who treats his garbage better than he trea...

The A-Z of love: D is for drama


This week, D is for drama. Wild love, or mild love? The whirling dervish of a ruinous romance, filled with flare-ups and fa...

The A-Z of love: C is for commitment


When many of us see the word commitment, we read confinement. Like ‘marriage’, it is more a sentence than a word. ...

The A-Z of love: B is for beauty


When it comes to finding love, we're a pretty superficial bunch. Beautiful people not only get the best-paid jobs, they als...

The A-Z of love: A is for Attraction


In a new weekly column, James Kerr and Matthew Johnstone celebrate the A-Z of love. Today, A is for attraction.  For s...

Main source of happiness around the globe? Partners!


  Nearly two-thirds of married couples and people with a significant other say their partner is the most important sou...

Forgive me father for I have sinned


    It’s not something we plan. It’s not something that we are proud of. But it’s definitel...

Growing A Garden of Friends


    Marcel Proust once said, “Let us be grateful to people who make us happy, they are the charming gar...

A broken heart can put you in hospital


  Condition brought on by sudden or prolonged stress can lead to heart failure. Tests show dramat

The 'forever singles'


They're attractive and successful, yet a growing number of women say they prefer independence to romance. Liberating - or a rec...

Could Adult ADHD Be The Reason To Your Relationship Problems...


  Does your husband complain that you never listen? Does your wife say she feels like you’re just one more child...

To Toss or To Keep - That is the Question


    You know how people advise you, “It’s better to “WAIT”, until the right person comes alon...

Love , Relationships and the Problems that come with it


    The most common relationship problems range from fear of intimacy to fear of rejection. Everyone struggles with f...

Establishing Healthy Boundaries in Relationships


Humans are made to relate and not be island. We are relational beings. Humans need to be connected to other humans, family and ...