Hostess with the Mostess


The pink ruffles from my tutu that Big Sister forced me to wear tickle my nose and I feel the itchiness of a ginormous, saliva spitt...

Long Distance?


It is often a challenge that some people face to maintain a long distance relationship. Think about it – you don’t get t...

Ainsley and Dawn


Ainsley and Dawn celebrate their 50th anniversary this year. It marks a momentous, joyful and historic event in their walk of life. ...

Toughloveanswered: Nataasha


Nataasha shares her answers on the tough 6 on Toughloveanswered today. Here’s what she had to say about love and relationships...

Android Security Apps


Despite the risk of overs-simplifying Android Security, there seems to be no real benefit from installing anti-virus software.

Rainbow Six: Siege


In my opinion, Rainbow Six: Siege, featured one of the best gameplay reveal demos during E3 2014.

Babies at War


Lately Big Sister’s really been getting under my nerves. Some of Mummy’s friends had come over for a chin wag and all th...

A relationship that WORKS


As parents we are constantly under pressure to hold our children under extreme scrutiny and correct any faults that we see or find. ...

Carlene & Buddhika


Carlene, a writer, and Buddhika, a marketer/ radio personality (Danny from the KISS OverDrive on KISS FM) have been crazy-in-love fo...

The biggest heart-breakers?


Who are the biggest heartbreakers? Read on.

Tough Love Answered: Ali


This week we have Ali taking on the tough six for the boys. Here's how he fared…

Dragon Age: Inquisition


Of all the things in the world, it seems dragons are making a comeback in various forms of media, from Game of Thrones to Skyrim.

The art of lost RESPECT


As a parent our responsibilities to our children are clear cut, feed, clothe and house “said” child.

Playing Hard To Get?


Playing hard to get – men or women do it more? Here’s what our readers thought…

Tough Love Answered: Mandy


Mandy takes on this week’s tough 6 for the girls. Here’s what she had to say…

Paul & Yvonne Leighton


We met in March 1979 and it has been 35 years since we’ve been together. (Married for 33 years out of those 35 years).

I need Mummy, NOW!


I’m nervous, scared, slight palpitations fleeting run across my heart and I’m slowly starting to find it hard to breathe...

Communicating Successfully


In all the ten years that I have been a parent, I have learnt nothing when it comes to communicating with my children.

Your Opinion


It was a controversial debate with quite a lot of responses for and against the topic. Here’s what our readers had to say.

Jehan & Neidra


Couple of the week – Jehan Bastians and Neidra Williams

Techaholic : E3!


E3 is on! If you are gamer or a just a tech enthusiast, then I would urge you to check out the E3 proceedings

Parenting Out Of The Box


Parenting is in my opinion the most beautiful phenomenon that can happen to someone. I never had any lifetime plans of I’ll ge...

Let's Get Physical


“It’s never too late to start” Mum goes. Mother dearest has got some notion about getting healthy and she wants al...

Who's More Romantic?


The majority assumes that men are more romantic when it comes to a relationship.

Michelle & Jivan


Michelle Herft and Jivan Goonetilleke are married and are parents too. Michelle is a teacher by profession and enjoys drama and the ...

Microsoft Surface Pro 3


We are living in exciting times it seems. In about a decade, smartphones and tablets have changed our experience with technology.

My parents are not perfect..?


So fellow baby peeps I’ve come across some information which is going to totally change your perspective on life forever.

Nobody's Right Except Children


I occasionally get aggrieved requests from my older readers who in despair, vex about their children’s parenting of their gran...

Yohan & Ellie


This week we have Yohan and Ellie - the creators behind The English Cake Company.