Outwardly innocent, filled with the laughter of children, the school playground dupitiously is a pit of childhood politics that can ...
We are going to take it back down on to our mats this week using a lovely forward bend with a slight spinal twist as a counterpose for ...
When does that point where the greatest relationship in our life, ‘parent to child’ come to an untimely death?. When my ...
Natarajasana or Lord of the Dance pose holds a symbolic meaning in yoga. Nataraja is another name for Shiva and his dance symbolizes
Let's face it, in this doggy dog world of parenting, kids are ruthless participants. They don't play fair, they scream, they...
I don't know why I do it. But sometimes being bad is just much more easy than being good...especially when you're two and th...
I feel quite fragile this morning. Unfortunately due to certain antics by t
So, after our Suriya Namaskar last week, (which by the way, I think you should practice daily for a few weeks to really get to know it)...
So we have finally learnt all the postures you require for your first major vinyasa the sun salutation, so lets energize our bodies and...
In our Sri Lankan societies, I feel the act of “shaming” is used as a way of disciplining a child all too frequently. We...
I feel quite fragile this morning. Unfortunately due to certain antics by the CEB department I couldn't get my beauty sleep, for...
I am a perfectionist, I'd rather be early to an appointment than late even if it is a four year old's birthday party, the to...
Ashtanga Namaskar is the culmination of the sun salutation, this posture being the actual salute in the practice, it is so named becaus...
Any story of a missing child affects me, for as a parent I feel for the missing child's parents and their loss. The pain, the gr...
Plank pose is an integral part of the sun salutation, but can also be used as a posture in itself to strengthen the core and the upper ...
Some eBay sellers thrive on our bad decisions and drunken purchases. Afterall, who in their right minds would purchase a product or ser...
‘What’s this letter?, It’s ‘N’’, I say to my three year old. ‘N for nose, N for nangi, N, ...
Ashwa Sanchalanasana is part of the sun salutation sequence, it is done twice as pose 4 and pose 9 and the transitions into the posture...
Healthcare is a vital component to live a healthy life. Accidents, ailments, injuries are unexpected and during such situations an effi...
Face it, there comes a period in your child's life where you, the parent, are not perfect. When I say perfect I mean your childr...
Not sure if you were following the trials and tribulations of our dear family of four, but last week the gullible parents decided to...
This week we come to balancing. Finding focus and balance is a pursuit we engage in both on and off the mat. We look for the work/life
Dawn breaks over the Jayasinghe household and as I rise to the sounds of birds chirping, as clear as a bell I hear my three year old...
Energy drinks have caught the attention of many teens seeking to get some
A seated forward bend will lengthen and stretch your spine and the muscles of your back, so it’s a good therapy for back-ache. It als...
This summer saw the introduction of the summer programme by the Soul Sounds Academy run by Soundarie David. The Soul Sounds choir, ...
So this relationship between Big Sis and me is indeed a curious one. Okay she was here before me, seniority doesn't really...