Survival Tips for Parents


Parenting, as you know, is a bizarre occupation to get oneself involved in. Whether we do it willingly or by sudden occurrence, ther...

Single Life: What You Say Vs. What We Think You Mean


Single Life: What You Say Vs. What We Think You Mean

Yoga at Home Week 23


Today the intention of our practice is to develop strength in our core to keep us stable in any other yoga practice we undertake.

Phoenix GaminG’s Rise To Fame


Scores of screens lined up, the bright lights illuminating the faces of the enthusiasts glued to them

Have I Missed The Mating Call?


Do you sometimes look at your phone and have it actually ring nanoseconds later?

What's Mine Is Mine!


“It’s MINE”, I scream “Everything is mine, the table is mine, the chair, the pen, the nanny, IT’S MINE...

Walking the Seasonal Tightrope


It's December and it's Christmas time HOORAY! For a moment I wallow in the toe curling satisfaction of the joys of the seaso...

Yoga at Home Week 22


Today our flow will focus on seated postures and twists. Twisting in yoga is known for its detoxifying effects on the body. We also nee...

Why Are We Single


Girls night out. Present amongst the sexy ladies is a doctor, sociologist, two lawyers, an IT consultant



There are many a parenting day that goes by when I don’t roll my eyes in despair and think WHY isn’t my children motivat...

Google Traffic


It’s the latest addition to Sri Lanka’s technological developments. The combination of Google maps and Google Traffic ma...

7 Different Types of Grandmas


One of my grandmothers is the spoiling type. My other grandmother was the yin to her yang. All she cared about was our education and

Apps for the holiday season


With online retailers replacing Santa’s reindeer led sleigh, photo apps replacing rip-off Santa photo ops in malls and food apps elim...

Saying goodbye to Teddy


After a hazardous day of parenting there’s nothing more I look forward to than a nice bath followed by a huge steaming cup of ...

Mr. and Mrs. Insensitive


Fellow diaper peeps, I hate to be all Mr. Doom and Gloom, but I'm only two and half and I can't reach the jujubes jar and Mu...

Gifts for Him


The best parts of Christmas are, without a doubt, the family get togethers, the food, and the festive atmosphere. Right? Who are we kid...

Yoga at Home Week 21


This week we are going to take a look at a short standing sequence, using postures that should all be familiar to you. Standing practic...

How to combat stress this season..


While you’re busy with work and education or both, the holiday season has been stealthily creeping up on you. Before you know it, you...

Just Kidding


As a parent with young children, I am all to familiar with the rising panic that overwhelms me as one of my children's birthday&...

Yoga at Home Week 20


This week sees the first of our new flows or Vinyasas. We are going to begin to put together some of the postures we have learned over ...

Treating Your Hair Right


Perming, re-bonding, relaxing and ironing are some favourite words in the vocabulary of many young boys and girls. Although it is said ...

7 Ways of Avoiding Aunties


Aunty: noun the sister of one’s father or mother or the wife of one’s uncle (or your parents’ female friend or that middle aged f...

Attachment Parenting


Having children ranging from ages one to nine, attachment parenting is a lifestyle I adopt wholeheartedly. I am there at the crack o...

The Fight Is Real!


I have been watching the parents. I have made discoveries. And fellow baby peeps the findings will knock your flowery socks off! The...

Yoga at Home Week 19


We are looking at Boat Posture today to help us to develop some core strength and balance in the body. This will be our last individual

Handling pre-teens!


There amidst the peaceful serenity of your house, hidden behind closed doors of rooms filled with One Direction posters, Twilight sa...

Skin Care for Men


Skin care? That thing women do everyday?, you wonder. You shave, and that’s about all the skin care regimens you need in your life.

5 Ways To Clean Hairbrushes


When’s the last time you cleaned your hairbrush? Like really cleaned it? If your guilty expressions are anything to go by, here’s w...

Yoga at Home Week 18


Today we are building on last week’s gentle spinal twist into a much stronger twist for the spine and back muscles. Seated twists, he...