Nothing in life gives me more pleasure than throwing things out. Be it clothes, appliances or things off my phone. (Okay I admit that I
Dear readers, please in no way be alarmed, I am not in “Asian tiger mum” mode pushing my child disregarding her physical an...
Life is not alright in my little baby world full of fluffy teddy bears and powder puffs. I am vexed no wait I’m more frustrated.....
Sri Lankan fashion designer Charlene Thuring, founder of c.h.a.r.l.e.n.e a brand that encapsulates the fashion forward girl, recently
Motion sickness is something that each one of has experienced at least once in our lives. Be it on a plane, a rocking boat or even a ca...
Young Speaker 2016, a competition developed by the British School in Colombo in partnership with Adventus Education unveiled for the th...
I woke up last Saturday afternoon after a nap, sputtering all known curse words with a burning desire to cut my pillows, bite my glass
Nestled comfortably in my lap my youngest looks busy at my desk, curls bobbing tenderly, fingers lightly tapping the keyboard, all in m...
Poornima is a twenty-two year old young designer from Kandy. She is currently reading for her Northumbria University UK Animation
So finally after several weeks of preparation we are ready to attempt Crow posture, this is a basic arm balance and hopefully our
Handmade cards and paper crafts are Charmalee Kulatunga’s forte. From delightful birthday cards to grand declarations of love on
Where there’s kontroversy, there’s always a Kardashian. Either they’re they’re embroiled in one, have caused one or mistakenly ...
Bringing up my babies and constantly being at their beck and call, I would wistfully take comfort in the fact that as they
‘Woah’, have I been sucking on my dummy way too long, WHERE AM I?...First we were all packing up for a little trip in the&n...
We suffered the worst nationwide power cut in a long time, on Sunday. Life Online picked up 11 ways to make a power-cut bearable...
Matchstix, Sri Lanka’s new smartphone app is set to light up the social networking landscape
Gold winner for Young Marketer at Cannes Lions in 2013, Hiruni Mendis, 29, is a young entrepreneur building up her business
If your heart wrenched just a tad, you know exactly what this feeling is, and you have
On Saturday the 5th of March, a video of a couple voraciously defending themselves against being told not
The vinyasa or flow that I want to teach you today is an integral part of Sun Salutation as practiced in Ashtanga and Vinyasa flow
Animals, like human beings have freedom of living. Yet this freedom is questionable when considering the way in which they are
Crocodiles in the middle of the city? Monitors, monkeys and migratory birds, yes, but crocodiles?
Kauchiyannie Selvanayagam Gunasinghe, or Kauchi as a her family and friends call her, landed her first job at 19 years old and by
You know how you have those memes, the ones that say, what your friends think you’re like, what your parents think you’re l...
Bringing up children is not a lazy afternoon walk in the park. Consider adding an obstacle course with man-eating crocodiles to your
It was revolting to read on and on in print and social media the reports that flowed in on the child who was deprived of education