Well known personality Nayana Karunaratne has recently initiated a project to educate the general public on how to be good citizens. Po...
The Easter Sunday attack has put Sri Lanka into grief, so much so that some find it difficult to handle the trauma.
Jonan is a Sri Lankan born singer/songwriter currently living in Los Angeles, USA.
While I often try my best to spend time doing things I love, time often puts a wrench in my plans. But as I’ve come to learn over the...
British socialite and globetrotter Alice Farquhar was in the island recently for a private event hosted at Bailie Street - Merchants. A...
We spoke to well renowned Feng Shui practioner, S.BS.Surendran (Fengshuiserver.com) about ways in which you can prosper by incorporatin...
February is almost over, and March is just around the corner – we’re two months into 2019 and statistically speaking about 80% of u...
It’s that time of the year again when you want to spoil your loved ones, but you’re sick of gifting them the same generic and large...
We visited the Soul Ink Studio to meet the talented bunch behind the studio Uditha Rangana, Roanna Webster and Kyle Sampath (Valentine)...
Workout.lk together with the Hatchare organizing an event titled ‘IRONMAN and IRONWOMEN of Sri Lanka’.
Pain, a pain that scratches across your skin is the first sensation that hits you when the cold needle touches your skin and then all o...
A New Year, a new you! We wanted to learn new ways to better ourselves this 2019, so we spoke to Nare Bandaranayake from barressential ...
The festive season is finally upon us, promising a month of joy and celebration. But while good times lay ahead, so do impending stress...
Lihini Wijesundara is a 19 year old professional model and dancer who currently lives in Australia.
In Sri Lanka tea is the most consumed beverage next to water, but with the globalization and busy lifestyles, the coffee consumption ha...
As much as we think you owe it to your partner to break up face to face, us depraved souls - albeit secretly - are totally thankful tha...
On the Buzz today, I have a world class fitness couch, Marie Wood-Purvis. I met her during my workouts at High-Octane and got a chance ...
Glycemic index (GI), refers to how fast glucose is released to the bloodstream after digesting the ingested food.
For the last two weeks, my usual shortcut back home after work is no longer short; what took me under twenty minutes now takes me forty...
When we think of becoming healthy and taking care of ourselves, a lot of things come to mind such as dieting, exercising, drinking more...
Who would have thought that Madagascar out of all the movies would be offering us words of wisdom, however the importance of “moving ...
The Breathe Day Spa is a brand-new nail and body spa located at Cambridge Terrace that opened its door a mere month ago.
Juice cleansing has become all the rage these days in our tiny island and we tried the 2-day detox by Num Nums so we can give you the t...