One of the greatest challenges that ever befell mankind is the mystery of love. Poets, artists, philosophers and sci...
The Galaxy S3, is the latest in Samsung’s successful line of advanced Android smartphones, designed to compete with Apple...
The sequel to Transformers: War of Cybertron, promises to be bigger, better and more exciting in every way. Unlike the game bas...
Imagine walking down a street on your merry way to the super market, fairly mundane occurrence right? Wouldn’t it really ...
I am sure all parents can relate at the stress involved in taking your children out for dinner. I am not talking abo...
The other day at a family gathering, one of my many aunties accosted me in the hallway saying ‘Dahling, we LUV your page....
Courting, coquetry, wooing whatever name it takes, flirting will remain one of the most emphatic human interactions ...
Stereotyping is one of many ways in which we make sense of the vast volume of information available to us.
For all those non-parents out there, deciding when to move your toddler on to his or her first cup, might seem like ...
As a mother to three children I fight the ‘clutter war’ on a daily basis. Don’t worry we all have that &lsquo...
Giacomo Casanova, the 18th century bad boy is infamous for his numerous ‘sex-capades’ with countless num...
The friendzone is a much talked about topic in modern dating contexts, with articles ranging from avoiding the situa...
Would you say that the ‘Sri Lankan’ way of parenting, involves criticizing your child and asking questions later. D...
Regular sleep for a parent is a vital component in their sanity, ask a sleep deprived parent would they choose winning the lott...
As I have told you guys many times before, I am a huge fan of RTS and sci-fi games. So every now and then you can’t help ...
Which of the two are you in your relationship? If you’re still looking for an answer or isn’t sure about...
When the trailer came out for Spec Ops: The Line, I was positively intrigued. This was a game that took place in a r...
One of the perks of being pregnant is the ability to eat anything at anytime. Everyone is sensitive to a pregnant women’s...
When I was growing up I always knew that when I was a mother I would have lots of children, it was one of my certain goals in l...
“The one” is an age old cliché that’s stood the test of time and is very much an integral goal of mode...
Dating is fast becoming a feared field of life where casualties are tolling increasingly higher thanks partially to ...
The expansion pack for Civilization V: Gods and Kings was out yesterday (19th June) and fans of the series will be p...
It was not long ago that Microsoft was the most valuable company on the planet, soon after it critics were beginning...
Few people give seduction the credit it deserves, often misled by other diluted forms of its indirect application. Seduction li...
‘Wait till your father gets home’ is a statement I use a lot in my house when the kids have had the umpteenth fight...
History has done a bad job in keeping the secret that is man’s amazing capacity to create masterpieces at the slightest g...
One reason we still value MS office is because of the hassle free offline capabilities. MS Office Onenote is one of my favourit...
Finally a sneak peek into some of the most anticipated games of the year. E3 2012 (Electronics Entertainment Ex...
Singer Sri Lanka launched the latest international brand of Android-enabled smart devices on becoming the Exclusive Distributor...