Back to school avoid


  Call me a bad parent, but I am definitely one who relishes the end of the summer holidays and the day that my childr...

Baby Chat – A Pre-schooler’s first day


As everyone started back at school, I worried for my three year old, who would be beginning a new class as well. 

Gadget Review: KNC ‘Ultra-Thin’ MD710 (Rs. 34,000/= at a...


  This week’s review covers the KNC MD710, which many of you may have noticed at the store and vario...

Simple Security Tips of the Week: P@ssW0rd$!


This week’s tip of the week deals with passwords, which is probably one of the weakest links in anybody’s security ...

Dangerous relationship types


Long gone are the days when relationships were matrimonial by nature and held a permanent appeal to those involved in it.

Things to do with baby


Since ‘Play Clay’ was a very important distraction in our house this summer, instead of buying large volumes of pla...

‘We’re BORED!’


‘Mom, we’re bored’ I hear one of my children scream as I take refuge in my peaceful ‘kid free’ ho...

App Zone : Google Tracks


  When travelling -walking, hiking, biking,etc.- most of us have a general idea of how much time it will take us to ge...

Game Flashback : Legion


  Personally, Legion is probably the earliest TBS+RTS strategy games I ever played. 

Pickup lines 101


  Every relationship starts with that first step. It rarely matters who makes it or how it’s made. Unfortunately...

What You Wish You Knew


  Every now and again people turn back and wonder of the paths not taken and the opportunities that slid by, all the w...

Three simple security tips to keep your PCs safe and secure


  If you are a heavy PC user, then the chances are that you have been compromised by malware on numerous occasions.&nb...

Game Alert: Sniper Ghost Warrior 2


  This week’s tech column features a new release: Ghost Warrior 2. Once you are done reading this page, feel fre...

The Wonderful World of Sisters


I never had one when I was growing up. A sister that is. I would look on enviously at my friends as they either conspired with ...

Night Dating Basics


There’s a good reason why Hollywood movies screen all their most romantic moments at night and not during the day. Dinner...

Here’s your 20 questions…and more!


Dawn breaks over the Jayasinghe household and as I rise to the sounds of birds chirping and other morning noises, as clear as a...

Baby Chat – Memory Keepsake Box


  It goes without saying that the day your child is born is one that will be etched in your memory forever. A day that...

Chivalry 101


  Asking a girl if you can kiss her ranks high on the stupidest things a man can do, and with due reason. 

App Zone: Google Doodles on Chrome


  The Olympics, yet another occasion where Google Doodles made a striking impression. 

Bring out the OLYMPIAN in you!


With the past weeks of Olympics fever taking over the World, hopefully this has encouraged all households around Sri Lankan to ...

First gen iPhone sells for 10k


  A first generation iPhone has sold for $10,000.  

Gadget Review: LG Optimus 4X HD (~ USD 700/ LKR 90,000)


  LG may not boast a glitzy line of Android phones like HTC or Samsung but prides itself for innovation and performanc...

Game Review - Total War: Rome II VS Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2


  I am personally quite thrilled to announce that Total War : Rome II is going to be a reality within an year. The ori...

Theories of Love


  One of the greatest challenges that ever befell mankind is the mystery of love. Poets, artists, philosophers and sci...

Gadget Review: Galaxy S3


The Galaxy S3, is the latest in Samsung’s successful line of advanced Android smartphones, designed to compete with Apple...

Game Preview: Transformers: Fall of Cybertron


The sequel to Transformers: War of Cybertron, promises to be bigger, better and more exciting in every way. Unlike the game bas...

Casual Sex 101


Imagine walking down a street on your merry way to the super market, fairly mundane occurrence right? Wouldn’t it really ...

Restaurant ALERT, the kids are coming out for dinner!


  I am sure all parents can relate at the stress involved in taking your children out for dinner. I am not talking abo...

Do we ever stop being parents?


The other day at a family gathering, one of my many aunties accosted me in the hallway saying ‘Dahling, we LUV your page....