Is She Right For You?


Is she right for you? Sounds like a no brainer right? Well it really isn’t. With more than half of American marriages end...

Tech Tip of the Week


This week’s tech tip doesn’t necessarily have a theme. Instead, it features a random mix applications concerned wit...

Game Review: The Testament of Sherlock Holmes


I'm sure there are many Sherlock Holmes fans amongst you and I am certainly one of them. Over the past few years, I'm q...

Too many activities, no free time. The dilemma of OVER-SCHED...


So we’ve got tennis on Monday, swimming Wednesday, Ballet Thursday, voice training Tuesday…. I was pain-stakingly ...

Baby Banter: The first day


For those of you who missed out, last week I was born. Spent nine months in a warm comforting room, though after gaining ...

Tech Tip of the Week: Best Browsing Tools for Chrome


If you are a student, researcher or just experiencing a bout of curiosity “Googling” is the best answer for everyth...

Gadget Review: Samsung Galaxy Ace 2


The Galaxy Ace 2 represents the relatively low-end line of the Samsung Galaxy series. The second generation of the Ace features...

Blind Dating 101


  Blind dating is the practice of dating someone you haven’t physically met before, even though initially the te...

Pregnancy Q & A's


Pregnancy is indeed a beautiful time in a woman’s life. As your child grows you want to do what is best for baby, from wh...

Baby Banter


  (Lets face it kids are full of honesty, they say it as they see it. This is a new column written from the ‘HON...

Checking in Stefan Andre Joachim


A travel enthusiast? Then this is the read for you.

Nice guy pitfalls (Part 2)


  Nice guys and their world renowned ability to repel girls is a point of attention in contemporary contexts, with mos...

The ‘MORNING’ battles with your children


Tick tock, tick tock, the school day morning begins..rush rush, lunch boxes, raincoats, OH NO! someone is wearing sandals and n...

Game Flashback: Mega Race 2 (&3)


If my memory serves me correctly, Mega Race 2 was the first game I ever played and this was way back in 1998 or 1999. The game ...

Gadget Preview Windows 8X HTC : Windows is back with a bang...


In a market dominated by Android and iOS, Windows has finally created an OS that can actually have some impact: Windows 8. More...

App of the week : Google Maps Tips


As many of you observed last week, Google Maps is the most widely used app and it is also perhaps one of the most useful apps o...

The truth about stuttering


Stuttering which is also known as stammering is a speech disorder where a person’s speech is disrupted by repetition of w...

Signs of Cheating


Don’t you ever wonder how couples hit that cold hard wall of complacency you often find them in, the silent car rides, th...

Security Tips for Chrome


  If you are like me, then you are a major user of Chrome, which is already the most popular browser in the world. One...

Gadget Preview: iPhone 5: For Better or For Worse?


  Last week, Apple proudly unveiled the latest incarnation of the iPhone. For those of us who are not Apple fanatics, ...

Where are your manners, please?


  Last week one of my readers brought up the subject of manners and is it good manners for a child to interrupt an adu...

Candlestick candy Jars


This is such a fun, easy to do and also ‘tasty’ arts and craft project to do with your kids. It can also be a great...

Relationship therapy


  Relationships no matter what their nature is, have a way of hitting a rut every now and again or in some cases never...

Gadget Preview : Amazon Kindle Fire HD


  The Amazon Kindle Fire received rave reviews and was hailed as a tablet that could change the Tablet PC landscape, w...

Game Review : Sleeping Dogs


An undercover cop, martial arts, plenty of gun battles and an enthralling story: that’s what Sleeping Dogs is all about.&...

The Wise Ones


  Until I was five years old I spent vast amounts of time with my grandparents. Looking back to me it was a magical ti...

Things to do with Baby – Family Tree


With Grandparents day this past Sunday, it presented us with another great opportunity to get the kids involved in an arts and ...

Game Review - Counter-Strike: Global Offensive


Fans of Counter Strike should be quite happy with the latest installment of the series. Importantly, the game manages to retain...