Game Review: Dishonoured


  This is a game I’ve been wanting to write about for a long time now. Dishonored is emotionally captivating and desp...

Where are the children?


As parents, we have all experienced that gut wrenching, cold sweat moment where you are out in public and you loose sight of your li...

COLD be gone ye!


  Woke Mum up early to watch the Golden Globes, c’mon Mum get your glamour face on its time to meet some stars...

A player's top conquests: Part 2


Continuing from the previous article about type of women that players are attracted to, let’s continue along the same l...

A player's top conquests: Part 1


One distinct factor that separates a player from an average guy or from a ladies’ man for that matter is the sheer number of t...

Gadget Preview: Nvidia :Project Shield


  A few days ago, Nvidia, a major player in mobile processors and graphics development, unveiled a portable gaming system c...

Top 10 upcoming games of 2013 : Part 2


This is the second installment of the top upcoming games of the year. Naturally, I’ve included a number of FPS, TPS and RTS ga...

What’s in your child’s lunchbox?


  One good thing about the start of the year is that the kids have to go back to school, and as much as I love them, with a...

Baby Banter


I was doing some light reading the other day, well maybe Mum was on her laptop and she had me bouncing up and down on her knee. Desp...

Mystery Facts: Women


A woman is one of the greatest enigmas that presents itself to us in our lifetime here and centuries of living with the devil hersel...

Top 10 Upcoming Games of 2013 - Part 1


Happy New Year techies! As the New Year dawns, we set our sights on the best upcoming titles that must be played, mastered and bragg...

Gadget Review: Windows 8S HTC


  The Tech Page reviewed HTC’s Windows 8X phone back in November, and we suggested that the new phone was designed we...

Parenting regrets


  Well parents, 2013 has dawned with a bang and once again we have another whole year stretched out before us in which...

The Player


He strikes fear in the hearts of many and drives a winding stake into the hearts of the rest, from Casanova to the boy next door, pl...

It is the end of the world!


Baby Banter : It is the end of the world

Game Review: Far Cry 3


  Fans of the Far Cry Series will be happy to hear that the latest installment - Far Cry 3 - lives upto its name, and ...

Is it as easy to teach your toddler?


‘What’s this letter?, It’s ‘N’’, I say to my three year old. ‘N for nose, N for nangi...

Baby Banter


    Mum came back from grocery shopping in a strop today. She had ran into her old friend from school, Michel...

The player personality


Seeing that players are a mainstream gender role which serves important social paradigms for both genders, it’s important...

Baby Banter


    YAY, we’re going on a field trip. Mum’s packing my bag, a couple of changes, my toys, extra b...

What not to say (part 2)


The previous article capped up the importance of conversation in social situations with a focus on intimate relationships, and ...

What not to say


  Effective communication and its many benefits are an ever common topic in all basic dating and relationships discuss...

Gadget Review : Google Nexus 10: Beating the iPad at its own...


    The Google Nexus 10 is the latest and greatest 10-inch Android tablet on the market today. Featuring stun...

Baby Banter : It wasn’t me!


  Woke up to find my mum in tears, what’s a baby got to do to get some sleep around here anyways.

Beating out the ex boyfriend


One of the many problems that couples face in a relationship is the problem of men have dealing with their girlfriend’s e...

Game Review: XCOM: Enemy Unknown


  XCOM: Enemy Unknown is a stunning Turn Based Strategy game where players are tasked with commanding a top secret org...

Mixed Relationships


  The athlete mixed marriage is one where the spouse of an athlete is a non athletic one and the phenomenon does carry...

Game Archives: Celtic Kings: Rage of War (2002)


  This game brings back a lot of fond memories. It was simple, beautiful and a lot of fun. The game is interestingly a...

The Nexus 4 : Google Delivers The Best Yet!


    Believe it or not, Android has been out-performing Apple's iPhone on specs for quite awhile now but i...