Fans of Counter Strike should be quite happy with the latest installment of the series. Importantly, the game manages to retain...
This week’s review covers the KNC MD710, which many of you may have noticed at the store and vario...
This week’s tip of the week deals with passwords, which is probably one of the weakest links in anybody’s security ...
When travelling -walking, hiking, biking,etc.- most of us have a general idea of how much time it will take us to ge...
Personally, Legion is probably the earliest TBS+RTS strategy games I ever played.
If you are a heavy PC user, then the chances are that you have been compromised by malware on numerous occasions.&nb...
This week’s tech column features a new release: Ghost Warrior 2. Once you are done reading this page, feel fre...
The Olympics, yet another occasion where Google Doodles made a striking impression.
LG may not boast a glitzy line of Android phones like HTC or Samsung but prides itself for innovation and performanc...
I am personally quite thrilled to announce that Total War : Rome II is going to be a reality within an year. The ori...
The Galaxy S3, is the latest in Samsung’s successful line of advanced Android smartphones, designed to compete with Apple...
The sequel to Transformers: War of Cybertron, promises to be bigger, better and more exciting in every way. Unlike the game bas...
As I have told you guys many times before, I am a huge fan of RTS and sci-fi games. So every now and then you can’t help ...
When the trailer came out for Spec Ops: The Line, I was positively intrigued. This was a game that took place in a r...
The expansion pack for Civilization V: Gods and Kings was out yesterday (19th June) and fans of the series will be p...
It was not long ago that Microsoft was the most valuable company on the planet, soon after it critics were beginning...
One reason we still value MS office is because of the hassle free offline capabilities. MS Office Onenote is one of my favourit...
Finally a sneak peek into some of the most anticipated games of the year. E3 2012 (Electronics Entertainment Ex...
Singer Sri Lanka launched the latest international brand of Android-enabled smart devices on becoming the Exclusive Distributor...
As a rule, games that coincide with movies or TV series are usually a disappointment. Examples such as the Transform...
Blackberry has revolutionized the handheld mobile industry since its inception; even though the device targeted a much smaller ...
Google has made an all-out effort to create a complete eco system for users. As a result, it has recently moved into online st...
If you didn’t grow up with Street Fighter, then you’ve really missed one of the most amazing gaming expe...
So many apps everywhere and so little storage to go around. Storage capacity is a huge issue for many smartphone users, especiall...
Huawei Technologies Co Ltd , the world's No.2 telecom equipment maker that has diversified into making mobile ph...
Over the next few weeks, I hope to draw your attention to a variety of ultrabooks, which are now becoming more popular and more a...
Crysis 3 is the final instalment of the Crysis trilogy and before fans start sighing in disappointment, keep in mind that the ...
There is no doubt that cloud storage is the future. Increasingly, it is becoming more feasible to save the bulk of your d...