Different morning routines and different activity levels affect individual breakfast needs. According to top dieticians these ...
30km away from the hustle and bustle of Colombo, there exists a carefully located resort in the Moronthuduwa area, within th...
Sri Lanka is endowed with a two season’s monsoonal climate which means a beach holiday can be enjoyed year rou...
Sri Lanka’s very own homegrown pizza brand Harpo’s Pizza is promoting the Kids Meal Deals for delivery orders.
Easter is a springtime festival, when Christians celebrate the resurrection of Christ. The biggest Easter brunch is ...
Puppies chew on anything and everything. This includes plants and flowers as well. The idea of digging up a plant I believe gives ...
Canine Parvovirus – known to us as Parvo – is a virus that comes in two forms, Cardiac and Intestinal. First discov...
Our 6 year old dog is constantly scratching or licking herself trying to rid her annoyance with a skin condition she...
We’re hoping to neuter our 3 year old male Daschund. We’re a bit concerned since our previous dog, a fem...
Many of us – as pet owners – do not realize that certain foods, though perfectly harmless to us, can be toxic to our 4-l...
How often does a dog actually require to be bathed? I have recently adopted a 3 month old street pup who has been ne...
My one year old Cocker-spaniel is frequently suffering from mild forms of tick fever and suffers from loss of appetite, discolo...
FAQ - Between long working hours and being a mother, sometimes my life tends to get a little crazy especially after ...
Recently one of my dogs developed a bad stomach and it made me realize how often times, it has been the animal’s toilet h...
Hilton Colombo’s Spices restaurant will dish out a gastronomic Thai buffet from the 16th to 22nd March during ...
Loon Tao, one of the finest Chinese Seafood restaurants in the country launches jazz Sunday by the beach scheduled for every la...
Cake baking is not a difficult task. Most of us have the misconception that baking perfect cakes is very toilsome. But, it is n...
If you are one of those lucky people who enjoy country living and have a plot of land around your home th...
A refrigerator is an essential household kitchen appliance to be found in almost every home today. Howeve...
Understanding how propagation takes place is very important in ensuring no variety of plant is lost and every good garde...
"A dog reflects the family life. Whoever saw a frisky dog in a gloomy family, or a sad dog in a happy one? Snarling peop...
Choosing the right pet for you and your family is a big decision that affects everyone in your household....
A garden is a wonderful way to enjoy life. It can be ever changing in sights, smells and sounds....
A HOLIDAY that comes with the baggage of credit card debt or financial stress is not a holiday. Fol...
What is your favourite hobby? What’s the one thing you are especially interested in? Is it music? Is it pai...
Adding spaciousness without actually adding more physical space can be quite a challenging undertaking. You don’t ...