GODZILLA The world's most famous monster is pitted against malevolent creatures who, bolstered by humanit...
TNL Onstage 2012 First Runner Up and budding model Prabodhya Fernando on this week's episode of Midweek Madness.
We caught up with TV presenter, budding singer and cricketer Javed Bongso this week on Midweek Madness.
This week, we head out of our studio to meet Koluu and the rest of the cast of 'My Funny Valentine'
Talented Sri Lankan songbird Devashrie De Silva on Midweek Madness this week!
“Passion 2013” signature event of Rotaract Club of Cinnamon Gardens stole breaths as picture perfect pieces spoke volume...
"Run For Their Lives 2013" organised by the Rotaract Club of Colombo Uptown, took place on Sunday, 8 December, raising 2 m...
This week on Midweek madness, Reihan and Tehara catch up with Theatre personalities and Playwrites, Jehan Bastians and Neidra Willia...